My boyfriend just bought a business and is currently doing training and will be returning shortly. What should I expect his work week to look like? What should I be more mindful about? And what tips do you have so that I can be a more supportive partner.

    What should I expect as a partner to an entrepreneur
    byu/StartingFresh- inEntrepreneur

    Posted by StartingFresh-


    1. you are trying to find something to meet his expectations. However, I would say go talk to him what roles u should be doing as a partner in life as well as business.

    2. DisciplinedDumbass on

      Any time he tells you about a problem he is working through, especially ones that may feel small or inconsequential to you, just realize that this is probably the “cherry on top” of all the things he is dealing with and he’s bringing it up because he needs to offload something easily identifiable and communicable on his brain. I guarantee he has things that are much more complex that he is working through, so don’t judge him solely based on what you’re hearing.

    3. Just the fact that you’re asking and trying is massive. I wish anyone in my life was as supportive and thoughtful.

      Realistically, expect him to potentially be busy and on-call 24/7 depending on the size of the company. But also know that’s not forever, and he’s working now to earn time in the future.

    4. Have your own goals clear first. What are you working on? What do you hope to achieve? It may be about building a home with him. It may be professional goals for yourself.

      Understand his goals too.

      Both of you should work on creating safe spaces for each other so that when either of you get triggered or overcome by something, there’s a space in the presence of the other that things can become calm and peaceful again.

      A safe space for each other means he comes with some extreme news and you’re able to calm him down, calm yourself down and both of you are able to think clearly about solutions. He should be able to do the same for you.

      You might have no extreme events going on. Still, he is able to create a safe space for you to have fun, do something enriching, even if it’s only an enjoyable conversation.

    5. PsychologicalPast347 on

      Expect 1 quarterly dinner and one annual slow Sunday morning, imagine a monkey running in the wild in circles. That is where his head will be at if he truly wants to make it work and has not started a business before.

    6. First of all, that’s so sweet of you🫶 If there’s a way you can help with his work, like if he shares some idea, maybe just try your best to give some insights about it. If you can’t relate with the work, just be there to listen to him. I think the best support you can give to your partner, whether an entrepreneur or not, is the moral support we can give especially during the bad and stressful times.

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