I’m 28 years old with passive income from 2 successful businesses (food industry) that I have already started. The only time I go to these businesses are to collect money. I also have a pension from the VA. With that being said money isn’t really an issue when it comes to slow growth or anything like that.

    Now the issue is, nothing work related makes me happy. I don’t wanna hear this crap about “find something you’re passionate about or find something you’re good at”. That’s all bull crap. Anyone can become good at anything and the only thing that makes me happy business wise is making the most money for the smallest amount of work. Yes I understand to get the business off the ground and running it takes massive amount of work from the owner for the first few years. I know this because I have already built 2 successful businesses after the army.

    With all this being said, what are some great businesses ideas that you would start if you didn’t have to worry about bills, income for a while, all the stuff you normally need to when starting a business. What are some people you know that make a lot of money? What business do you see most often doing really good with small involvement from the owner?

    All ideas and help is appreciated.

    No clue what I want
    byu/Agile_Pen_9953 inEntrepreneur

    Posted by Agile_Pen_9953


    1. Beneficial-Dog-4416 on

      Although this won’t be feedback, I feel the same way as you.
      I’m not really good at anything, I dread working, I’m obsessed with making money. I wish to be like you. I want to make as much money as possible.

    2. If you have a ton of free time, why do you want something that’s small involvement from you? Why not do something that requires more direct involvement that you actually enjoy?

    3. Mundane-Carpenter283 on

      How did you turn it passive? Id love to bring a bagel shop to our current area. We’re from NY so we’re picky with our bagels lol and there’s absolutely nothing like what we used to get out here.

    4. If you’ve already got a good eye for what makes a successful business and some money to burn, why not devote some time and resources to being a dedicated investor? If nothing else, it could expose you to some different industries and innovations that may spark genuine interest (passion?) in something that you otherwise wouldn’t have thought twice about.

      In that vein, you could consider teaching/mentoring other aspiring entrepreneurs. It’s also a good way to keep an eye out for diamonds in the rough to potentially partner with.

      Otherwise, real estate (at scale) can run with little to no involvement from the owner.

    5. SoftwareScouter on

      Congrats on your success, man. Starting two businesses by 28 is no joke. If you’re looking to make the most cash with the least effort, maybe consider:

      1. Real Estate Rentals: Buy some properties and rent them out. With a solid property manager, you can just collect the checks.

      2. Franchise Your Existing Businesses: Since your food spots are doing well, why not franchise them? Let others run the new locations while you earn from the brand.

      3. Automated Businesses: Think laundromats, vending machines, or car washes. They pretty much run themselves after setup.

      4. Angel Investing: Use your funds to invest in startups. They do the work, and you get a share of the profits if they succeed.

      5. Online Businesses: E-commerce stores, dropshipping, or creating digital products. Once they’re up and running, they can bring in passive income.

      6. Peer-to-Peer Lending: Lend money through P2P platforms and earn interest with minimal involvement.

      7. Royalties: Invest in music, books, or patents. You get paid whenever they’re used.

      I know people who make good money renting out properties and barely lift a finger. Others have online businesses that earn cash while they sleep.

      Let me know if any of these catch your eye

    6. Hi, you can start a virtual manpower agency, outsource work from outside the US and place them with people who needs assistance.

    7. Build intentional community. Do philanthropy. Travel the world. Support innovation. It is that simple.

    8. Sounds like you have the free time to find some therapy or life coaching. If you’re not happy with passive income situation now you’re not going to be happy after company number 5 and more passive income.  Ask me how I know 🙂

      There is only ever the journey if you can’t find enjoyment in building successful companies that you have to start looking inward at the root cause of your desires and how you get enjoyment.

    9. Healthcare, education, bioengineering, aviaticts, astronautics, drilling, drones, cybersecurity, sales. Happy to talk in more detail about it.

    10. You’re asking the wrong question. You’re looking for an “easy” route, when you should be focusing on domination. Business is a game, and you’ve already got the cheat codes with your passive income. The problem isn’t that you don’t know what to do, it’s that you’ve gotten comfortable.

      You need to find something scalable, where your involvement is minimal but your influence is massive. Here’s the truth: the best businesses with small owner involvement are the ones that generate recurring revenue without your constant presence.

      So what do you do next? Leverage the money you’ve got. Real estate is a no-brainer, multi-family units, commercial properties, short-term rentals. You’re just parking your money somewhere it’s going to grow without you lifting a finger. Or look into acquiring businesses that already generate cash flow, find failing companies with potential, flip them, and make them profitable again.

      Also, digital assets, e-commerce stores, websites, or subscription-based services, buy them, automate them, and let them print money while you sleep. It’s not about what’s “easy,” it’s about building an empire so big that you can’t be ignored.

      Stop asking for ideas and start building something that’ll make you unstoppable.

    11. Start a sex toy company and ask PDiddy to invest. Sorry, after reading the headlines I just read i couldn’t help it..

    12. Have you thought of streaming? If you like games you can see that as a “business”, but also as a hobby, since you don’t have the pressure of being successful quickly, because you already have another source of income.

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