I recently got into a small fender bender in a parking lot a few days ago. I immediately filed a claim with my insurance. Today I got a call from the gentleman I backed into and said that it buffed right out and he would not be pursuing a claim. What happens next? My insurance says I am still at fault, which I won't argue with, and it still covers repair costs (most likely the same thing on my end). Would my premium still go up? Would I still have this incident on my record?

    The victim is not pursing a claim
    byu/Nihilater inInsurance

    Posted by Nihilater


    1. This is still an at-fault accident on your record. It’s up to your insurer on whether or not they raise your rates, but it is normal for rates to go up after at-fault accidents/claims. Even if the other driver doesn’t seek any payout, you still hit a car. Your insurance carrier isn’t going to suddenly just forget you did it.

    2. Yes the incident is on your record and can’t be removed. No one here can know if it will affect your premium or not. 

    3. If your rates spike, you should shop. A zero pay out claim may be treated differently carriers. This is all moot if you are having insurance fix your car 

    4. Unfortunately you’ve still put a claim in, and as far as I know there’s no way to remove it.

      Rate hike is up to the carrier, but I would expect it with an at fault claim on the record.

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