My mother got hit by a motorist Nov 2022, it resulted in her death a month later due to her injuries. The insurance company of guy who hit her says his coverage is limited at a payout of $30k, which isn't even enough to put a dent in her medical bills and we all know Medicare will make sure to get theirs. Is there anything that can be done?

    Vehicular Death
    byu/Ryans_Hopeless inInsurance

    Posted by Ryans_Hopeless


    1. Alarming_Arm_6247 on

      Did your mom have underinsured coverage? I’m sorry to say, if they have $30,000 that’s all they have. Any more funds have to be recovered at a lawsuit (if the st fair party has any) or under your moms UIM, if applicable

    2. First of all, sorry for the loss and secondly, the other party still on the hook for all if they’re considered at fault, but their insurance company is only responsible up to the actual limits of the policy they purchased so if they purchased a state minimum limits policy that only pays 30,000 then the company only has to pay the 30,000 and they’re done the individual causing the death to your mother unfortunatelyowes all the difference

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