Do i better just trying to sell them tomorrow when market start to get some money back or should i hold still. It expires on the 27th.

    Bought LUNR $8.5 and $9 calls yesterday and is now down 85%
    byu/triet_bach inoptions

    Posted by triet_bach


    1. You bought at the top… the odds of it recovering by Friday is really low. You maybe can salvage a little more money if it pumps a little, but you aren’t making money on this trade.. the only question is how much will you lose.

    2. Turbulent_Goal8132 on

      I have 2 $10c with 10/18 expiry…down 75% as of now. I’m gonna hold & see if I can make some back or lose it all. At least it was only 2 calls

    3. Educational_Peak_770 on

      Did you really think the stock was going to climb forever? The stock market isn’t for gambling.

    4. pebble_in_salad on

      Why buy with Friday expiration? Only one catalyst (NSN direct to earth) and it may come EOM or late next month.

      Or it comes Thursday and you see quite the reversal.

    5. Buying short dated calls is gambling. If your calls are down 85%, at this point, what’s another 15%? Consider it a lottery ticket.

    6. yea you were aiming for a lotto ticket. close and lick your wounds. it’s going to keep ranging like it has over the last few days. you’re literally betting on a spike which won’t come any time soon unless you are very lucky.
      I made 14% on my put though 😀

    7. imrickjamesbioch on

      OP, why you buying 5dte options when the stock already blew up? Not sure whats the point in selling when you only have 15% left in your investment but you do you.

    8. I bought 40 jan 2026 7.5 calls and am down 12%. I will hold, hold, and hold likr a motherfukr.

    9. Gullible_Adagio4026 on

      LUNR can get back up, but by Friday seems like a close call. Volatile stock right now. Absolutely worth in the $10 range nowadays though. 

    10. Terrible_Champion298 on

      It wasn’t humiliating enough putting this on Options Millionaires? There? Noob mistake. Here? Wtf was that monkey sausage thinking?!?

    11. Sold a covered call at 8.5 strike expiring on Friday hoping to scalp something off the hype for the stock. Wondering if I’m about to end up a bag holder seeing how it’s traded today. I don’t actually want to hold LUNR long term.

    12. Sold half my 10$ calls that I bought 10 cents for Dec 20th and re bought Nov 15 $15calls and Jan calls 10$ calls down shit ton but still up Huge overall and feeling like huge win incoming so don’t stress

    13. Cheap-Banana-9924 on

      That’s ur fault for gambling. You should’ve atleast considered this outcome if not expected it.

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