Tagged as Home Insurance but it’s really a renter’s insurance question. I did search but couldn’t find a similar scenario.

    I’m trying to determine IF this situation is eligible for a claim and if so, if it’s worth filing.

    My “stepson” (details to follow) had his camera bag stolen from a friend’s vehicle, which was parked at the friend’s house. The bag had a camera lens, various clothing and his Apple Watch. Total value of maybe $2,500, with $2k being the lens.

    I don’t have my stepson named specifically on my policy. I do have his mother on the policy, but she and I are not married and I did not officially adopt he or his sister (both are 21, stepson still lives at home). To me it seems like a stretch that his items would be covered, but I’m pretty insurance illiterate.

    After all that, if his items would be covered, is it worth the claim? I have a $500 deductible. I’m not worried about losing coverage as I actually have an appointment with an agent next week to look at switching companies.

    So Many Questions
    byu/Necessary_Mess5853 inInsurance

    Posted by Necessary_Mess5853

    1 Comment

    1. Filing this claim could drastically affect your company switch first and foremost. Technically, personal property extends to immediate family who reside at the same address, so I believe you do have a legitimate argument to file the claim if his mother is a named insured. Im not sure how claims investigates something like this though. Sorry

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