Obviously kind of an egg head here, I totaled my car a few months ago, got the money from the settlement, they came and towed the car away. Cut and dry and all resolved. What I didn't realize is my auto pay was still set up and they charged me for the last few months as if my car was was all good. Shouldn't they of been able to know and see my car was obviously destroyed and towed away? I just assumed they'd cancel it.. got another car under a new insurance company.

    Of course I'm ultimately at fault here for not making sure.. still young and it's the first I've been in this situation. Do I have any shot at getting reimbursed? Just seeing how hard I should lean on the insurance company.


    Auto pay on insurance for totaled car for a few months after it was towed away
    byu/RJ2kBeats inInsurance

    Posted by RJ2kBeats


    1. I had an issue where one of my customers didn’t remove a vehicle from their policy that had been totaled 10 months prior, and my companies process on a totaled car is to remove it effective the date of loss plus one day, so she got a refund for the cost of her vehicle on the policy for the whole 10 months, should be able to call your insurance company, let them know about the oversight, and I would hope they will do the same thing as my company does.

    2. That’s a tough spot to be in. I had a situation where I kept getting charged for a service I thought was canceled. It can feel overwhelming trying to sort it all out. Hope you get some answers soon

    3. I’ve worked at two carriers and one of them would backdate the removal of the vehicle to the day after the vehicle was totaled or the day that the rental was returned, if they rented. The company I’m at currently basically tells customers, it sucks that you didn’t catch that but by you paying you’re agreeing to be covered, we can refund or credit one month but not anything more.

      The best thing I can tell you is that the folks that work in claims have zero power to do anything on the policy side, and vice versa. So your claims adjuster probably should have recommended for you to call and have the vehicle removed and your policy canceled, but they most likely can’t actually make any changes or even request them on your behalf.

      I recommend downloading a copy of your new insurance declarations page because that will show when you’re new policy started, and then calling in to your old insurance and asking really nicely and plus you have this confirmation of other insurance.

      This goes with everything in life but especially the things that cost money, don’t ever assume, you should always trust but verify.

    4. It may depend on your state. In CA you can’r pay insurance for a vehicle you no longer own, nor be doubly insured. The carrier will refund to the date of sale/scrap.

    5. Different_Fan_6353 on

      Depending on your state you still needed to contact DMV either by returning plates or submitting the total loss letter from your insurer. Backdating a cancellation could put you in a lapse with the state if you didn’t do that. Most states have plate requirements.

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