Hey guys so this is my story I was turning left to my house and the car had the right way speed up and hit me in Ontario the police gave me ticket and drove the other driver and his passenger home even though they tried to attack me I accepted the ticket the court made plea with me 2 points plus 200 dollar instead of 500 ticket and careless driving now the other driver is suing me and my insurance company want me to attend hearing even though that insurance was still charging me after the car was scarped and they were charging me I told them I wasn’t even using the car but sure I will pay cancel it Which I did it I came to find out they put their system as cancelled for none payment please don’t judge my English I just learned thanks

    Ontario insurance
    byu/Rabbit_Pristine inInsurance

    Posted by Rabbit_Pristine


    1. Ok-Candidate-690 on

      I had a somewhat similar situation where my insurance kept charging after the car was gone. Took a bit to sort out. Insurance stuff can be super confusing.

    2. If you had insurance at the time of the collision the other party cannot sue you for damage to their vehicle only the injuries.

    3. If you had insurance at the time of the collision the other party cannot sue you for damage to their vehicle only the injuries.

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