SP500 is up 48% since this


    Posted by neda6117


    1. I can just see him furiously consulting his numbers again and again, each time becoming even more indignant that the world refuses to correlate to his spreadsheets and math.

      I’d love to say something clever like “our autists beat your autism”, but then I have to remember that this is WSB, and everyone here seems to have red as their favorite color.

    2. He needs to held accountable for bullshitting and failed/false financial advice. Lock his azzz up

    3. FixingandDrinking on

      Fucking got ya you dumb fuck burry Sell ha the spy is up 48% idiot!! Wait Michael Burry doesn’t invest in spy he invests strictly in water? then he bought puts on Tesla like any human should have known.

    4. He is like a true WSB regard. One lucky shot and then thinks he knows the market. But in the end, this is a casino and you can only win when playing all the games at the same time and betting on red and black, while knowing who altered the dice….

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