1. Just buy and hold the stocks ffs. This is how people blow up their accounts. What was the rational buying puts on one of the best performing stocks in the market?

    2. If your random strategy is to short the strongest stocks in the market during a strong uptrend, you might want to look into another hobby.

    3. trillionmarketcap on

      Why are you fighting the trend? Don’t try to counter trend trade when SPY is a fuckin hulk monster for weeks. Better strategy to go with the long term trend and buy calls on a major pullback like the one gifted by META yesterday morning.

    4. AUDL_franchisee on

      Honestly, all the bullish hater comments in this thread seem to validate that NVDA *IS* a good short. Lolz.

      Personally, I think NVDA is absolutely a game-changing company…that is also trading enough above its true intrinsic value & with chart action that makes it look like a good short candidate to me.

      “Trees don’t grow to the sky…”

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