I’m a co-founder of a startup in tech , So i tend to come to office at chosen times. I like to train in the morning and come in at around 10:00 sometimes 11:00 (i’m used to this for more almost 10 years)

    I have just hired someone in for sales. But i let him start at 09:00. Should i change my routine and force myself to arrive in office before them?

    I’m scared he and the future staff will not respect me or the work they do if they see the owner arrives later than them in office.

    Anyone with experience with this?

    Let my staff come before me or nah…
    byu/Latter_Course3217 inEntrepreneur

    Posted by Latter_Course3217


    1. You’re the boss, as long as you’re both getting work done and you trust him I don’t see any issues. Your business, your health should come first

    2. As long as they can see you’re putting in at least the hours you expect them to put in I can’t imagine it’s a problem. If anything it shows trust/respect that you don’t feel the need to be there then. I’d suggest havjng an open and honest conversation about it with tbem – always best to have these things out in the open.

    3. He’s sales. His job is to sell stuff, not to come into work at/before/after a certain time. Maybe he likes the early start. Maybe he gets better results calling at certain times of day when you don’t happen to want to be in the office. Shouldn’t matter. If you are compensating his sales fairly and not micromanaging him, he won’t give two shits what time you come in (assuming he’s a good rep).

    4. Would you let an employee come in at 10 because they like to train in the morning? If yes, it’s fine. If no, I wouldn’t respect you.

    5. I mean, you’re the owner so you can come in whatever hours you choose. Of course if you’re coming in from 11 and leaving at like 2 while everyone else is 9-5 that would probably be an issue. Who’s to say that you aren’t there at 11 but still there at 10 pm?

    6. No…I enjoy early morning without the boss there…I am more productive and can prepare for any issues that need to be addressed.

    7. Honestly, though, I wouldn’t change your routine. If you’ve been doing this for 10 years and it works, stick with it.

      As a co-founder, you’re setting the culture, and part of that is showing that you trust your team to work without you hovering.

      As long as you’re productive and delivering results, they’ll respect that. Maybe make it clear you’re working outside those hours or set up clear communication channels for when you’re not in the office.

      It’s about trust and output, not just clocking in at the same time.

    8. If you are worried they wont respect you before you are an hour later.. you could just yell at them a lot.. maybe challenge the biggest one to a fist fight? Only Allow them to smoke your brand of cigarettes in the office.. ( strikes or nothing! .. Or You could just whip it out and slap that thing on the break room table.. If you are determined to manage your workplace like its the 1960’s there is a lot of other options… or you could you know manage your employees like its 2024, trust them to do a good job and fire them if they dont..

    9. Rationally-Skeptical on

      The real question is, do you support your people? Do you view your job as to make them successful, and do you put their needs first? If so, then it doesn’t matter what time you go in. If not, then it doesn’t matter what time you go in.

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