I’m sitting here, after almost 10 years of running an online business, feeling like I just hit a dead end. I used to have this small but growing shop selling vintage-inspired jewelry. It was my passion project, something I thought could grow into a sustainable brand. I spent hours curating pieces, designing collections, and working late into the night. At first, I was excited—I could see the potential in the little wins, and I even managed to grow it with a small, loyal customer base. But now, I’ve reached the point where I had to shut it down. I poured years into this, working weekends, juggling social media promotions, managing orders, and figuring out fulfillment. I even went all-in with the tools I thought would make it easier—Shoplazza, for instance, helped simplify setting up my store and managing payments, but even with all the support, the spark was gone. The income? It just wasn’t cutting it for all the effort, and eventually, I lost the passion that once kept me going. Now, at 33, I’m back in the workforce, doing digital marketing—ironically, a skill I picked up from running my business. So at least there's that. But honestly, I’m struggling with this overwhelming sense of failure. I started this venture when I was 23. I dropped out of college to chase this dream, threw all my savings into it, and now I feel like I’ve got nothing to show for it. Has anyone else gone through this? I guess I just wanted to put it out there, hoping to hear from others who’ve been through something similar. Maybe hearing your stories will help me make sense of all this. I don’t know what’s next, but at least I can say I gave it my all.

    A Decade of Hustling for My Online Store—And Now It's Over
    byu/mazzingerapolo inEntrepreneur

    Posted by mazzingerapolo


    1. Born_Beyond3989 on

      Hey this is what we signed up for but you said it best imo at the end – you gave it your all. 10 years of hustling is never a waste 95% does not have what it takes to be persistent and the fact you displayed such for a decade speaks volumes regardless of any outcome

    2. Why are there so many posts spinning a dramatic story around shoplazzo and nothing else? Marked as spam and reported

    3. workhard_livesimply on

      Onto the next chapter, so to speak.
      Businesses end as do some loving relationships. You will always have yourself to look after, so keep going and enjoy the next adventure. ✨

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