Want to get the best business insights into your new idea as quickly and accurately as possible?

    Make 100 cold calls to prospective customers.

    Assuming you're a half-decent communicator, come across as friendly and have some curiosity – you are going to collect insights as if on steroids.

    You will find out:

    • Competitors who never thought of

    • Substitute products that you never thought of

    • What people really think of your product and NONE of that warm and fuzzy BS that friends and relatives will tell you about your idea. When people have to pay for something – you will see their true attitudes and beliefs about a product category, service or idea.

    (If you don't have a product it doesn't matter – tell them you put them on a wait list. But this exercise could accelerate and align your product to market fit like nothing else in the world. Sure, some people won't answer their phone but you just keep plugging away until you hit 100)

    Just do it!

    Harvard Business School won't teach you this…
    byu/baghdadcafe inEntrepreneur

    Posted by baghdadcafe

    1 Comment

    1. I agree cold calls, customer interviews, or just building a network around your product. This exercise will never go waste.

      You will learn a thing or two or best case build a network for your product

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