First time posting like this but I need some help from others that have been through the same or a similar situation. General knowledge advice is welcome too. About 2 months ago the condo my gf and I moved into about 6 months ago caught fire. It's a condo that we were renting in NH. I was asleep like a baby since I was finishing up my cancer treatment at the time and still recovering from the operations I had. So, at 2am my gf woke me up in a panic to the balcony below ours on fire, when we opened our bedroom door our entire place was filled with smoke and our balcony was on fire so we ran out and left everything. Well, the fire was too much and we ended up losing everything inside. In the fire report it claims the fire originated on the 2nd floor balcony directly below ours. (We did not cause or contribute to the fire in any way.)

    For context I got renters insurance because I was worried about theft so I had $15,000 in unscheduled property coverage. So after weeks of waiting for the buildings insurance company and the fire department to give the okay I went in with the insurance adjuster they sent out, where we walked around and wrote down every single item we had. A couple weeks later they sent out vendors who took everything out of the apartment. Now they are trying to charge me $9,000 for the removal of my items inside. They already made one payment to a vendor for $5,700. When I look on my Allstate app it says it's coming out of my unscheduled property coverage. My claims agent told me there is another charge for around $3,000 to a vendor that hasn't come out yet.

    Now… this is my first time losing everything in a fire so I'm new to all of this and how it goes but from everyone I've spoken to I've been told that I should not be the one that has to pay for the removal of the contents inside. I looked through the charges and many of them were so expensive because of the fire aspect. The ceilings had caved in too so it was overall a mess inside. I was never once told or given the option to do it myself either which I obviously would have done rather than take a $9,000 hit out of only $15,000 in coverage. What's the point of my $500 deductible on my renters policy..? We're stressing over this as you can imagine, it's confusing and we're trying to figure out what we can do. We just want to replace our things.

    I'm sure I left out some important details, I didn't want this post to be an entire book lol. Thank you for reading and thank you in advance for any advice.

    After losing everything in an apartment fire my insurance is charging me for the cleanup/removal of items inside
    byu/Special_Formal96 inInsurance

    Posted by Special_Formal96


    1. Something doesn’t sound right. Have you read your policy document to see what it covers? Who is the carrier?

    2. Who is trying to charge you the $9K – the company that removed the items?

      Was it for the removal of your personal contents or stuff associated with the building?

      Are you referring to the building’s insurance company in your entire post or your own insurance? I’m having a hard time following this post.

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