Everyone last night said I was regarded for buying puts yesterday. They were the right move. Now tonight I am getting messages saying I am regarded for buying calls expiring Monday. Will history repeat itself?
MakeResonableChoices on
Ended the week green ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258) Red on all other timeframes ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)
BosSF82 on
I hope VIX remains elevated so I can sell some more far OTM puts to mental defectives paying crazy premium on near hopeless strikes
Dark_Overlord335786 on
Risked $75 to make $500 this week
Just call me Barren Wuffett
fomoandyoloandnogrow on
Everyone jerking off about Vix Spike like it matters. Of course next week will have risk, jobs and employment numbers gonna hit. Doesn’t mean Monday is a sell off, stoopid bears praying for Japanese yen carry trade fever dreams
Forte-Selvaggia-0729 on
The most frustrated I’ve seen this sub is when the markets trade sideways.
People get antsy, damned antsy. Last night’s discussion thread was like listening to a group of people high on spice.
VisualMod on
#Ban Bet Lost
/u/whyshw made a bet that NVDA would go to 145.0 within **4 weeks** when it was 123.365 and it did not, so they were banned for a week.
I messed up the timing yesterday (missing a juicy spy entry), but got it perfect twice today, good way to go into the weekend
CapitalPrefer on
ZIM to the Moon. 🚀
visionarymind on
Realized sum tendiez today, felt bad deactivating 💎🤲
Losing 🅿️urchasing 🅿️ower again
FullCopy on
0DTE NVDA in the last 10 mins was very nice.
Today- on
Yo whats with that volatility spike today?
CapitalPrefer on
Shipping strike bullish for ZIM.
ZIM To the Moon 🚀
Shorts get Fuked.
katiajojo on
# after a long day of making money and doing cocaine it’s time to…..
>!Spend money and do cocaine!<
Dark_Overlord335786 on
“Warren Buffett refuses to split his company’s stock, because he wants to attract long-term investors rather than people who want to easily buy and sell his company’s stock.”
***Current stock price: 686,182.00***
Yea good luck finding those investors cunt ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)
teamyg on
Next Monday is the last day of month, AND last day of quarter; it’s going to have some window dressing.
That’s why I’ve been buying dips like a re+ard. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)
Last-Ranger on
The space stock takeover is in motion ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)
ChiefOfMasturbation on
Cathie has a TSLA buy stop order at $400
ConsciousVanilla8213 on
Fridays for MM and Mondays for retail ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)
Juddy- on
Got any big weekend plans?
Syab_of_Caltrops on
ChiefOfMasturbation on
Let the strike continue so ZIM goes through $30
Raxmond23 on
We good?😆
RoyalFail6 on
Sped past a state trooper on the highway, and he put on his lights immediately and started driving fast behind. Luckily, I pulled to the right most lane and continued on. Realized if it was for me, he’d stop me, but he didn’t ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)
Fyi: I was traveling similar speed as traffic, so I know I’m fine
cinJESUS on
time to buy NIO? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)
visionarymind on
**Standing** 🔙
**Standing** 🅱️❣️
Basedshark01 on
Option dealer used crab hammer today.
Super effective.
ThinkingOfTheOldDays on
Have to get back into covered calls.
Ok_Entrepreneur3893 on
Suspicious-Walrus773 on
FOUR calls 😤
perfectdark89 on
An Amazon Prime truck joined a side show in Sacramento 😂😂😂
Spy 600 📈📈📈
BackThatThangUp on
You know how I know people are dumb af and can’t be trusted?
Someone had to *tell* them that Drake was a lame and they shouldn’t like him 💀
mllax on
Remember: Scalping for a couple benjis a day keeps you perpetually in poverty like me ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)
D1finalboss on
Fucking Dogshit trading today, see you guys Monday
SilkyThighs on
1k LYFT shares at 13.20, 1k CLFshares at 12.36 and put the rest in QTUM and SCHD.
I dont know about these lyft shares…..maybe just use it for 0dtes
Dark_Overlord335786 on
Gonna do a corporate take over of Berkshire Hathaway and the first order of business is doing is announcing an options chain because imagine someone on here getting margin called on that shit ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
nuttygood on
Lost a lot of money today boys. However I realized these days there is always a 10 bagger playing spy. Hopefully I don’t lose the house ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)
Tesla bears 🐻 in complete panic
Everyone last night said I was regarded for buying puts yesterday. They were the right move. Now tonight I am getting messages saying I am regarded for buying calls expiring Monday. Will history repeat itself?
Ended the week green ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258) Red on all other timeframes ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)
I hope VIX remains elevated so I can sell some more far OTM puts to mental defectives paying crazy premium on near hopeless strikes
Risked $75 to make $500 this week
Just call me Barren Wuffett
Everyone jerking off about Vix Spike like it matters. Of course next week will have risk, jobs and employment numbers gonna hit. Doesn’t mean Monday is a sell off, stoopid bears praying for Japanese yen carry trade fever dreams
The most frustrated I’ve seen this sub is when the markets trade sideways.
People get antsy, damned antsy. Last night’s discussion thread was like listening to a group of people high on spice.
#Ban Bet Lost
/u/whyshw made a bet that NVDA would go to 145.0 within **4 weeks** when it was 123.365 and it did not, so they were banned for a week.
Their record is now 1 wins and 3 losses
[**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)
I messed up the timing yesterday (missing a juicy spy entry), but got it perfect twice today, good way to go into the weekend
ZIM to the Moon. 🚀
Realized sum tendiez today, felt bad deactivating 💎🤲
Losing 🅿️urchasing 🅿️ower again
0DTE NVDA in the last 10 mins was very nice.
Yo whats with that volatility spike today?
Shipping strike bullish for ZIM.
ZIM To the Moon 🚀
Shorts get Fuked.
# after a long day of making money and doing cocaine it’s time to…..
>!Spend money and do cocaine!<
“Warren Buffett refuses to split his company’s stock, because he wants to attract long-term investors rather than people who want to easily buy and sell his company’s stock.”
***Current stock price: 686,182.00***
Yea good luck finding those investors cunt ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)
Next Monday is the last day of month, AND last day of quarter; it’s going to have some window dressing.
That’s why I’ve been buying dips like a re+ard. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)
The space stock takeover is in motion ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)
Cathie has a TSLA buy stop order at $400
Fridays for MM and Mondays for retail ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)
Got any big weekend plans?
Let the strike continue so ZIM goes through $30
We good?😆
Sped past a state trooper on the highway, and he put on his lights immediately and started driving fast behind. Luckily, I pulled to the right most lane and continued on. Realized if it was for me, he’d stop me, but he didn’t ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)
Fyi: I was traveling similar speed as traffic, so I know I’m fine
time to buy NIO? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)
**Standing** 🔙
**Standing** 🅱️❣️
Option dealer used crab hammer today.
Super effective.
Have to get back into covered calls.
FOUR calls 😤
An Amazon Prime truck joined a side show in Sacramento 😂😂😂
Spy 600 📈📈📈
You know how I know people are dumb af and can’t be trusted?
Someone had to *tell* them that Drake was a lame and they shouldn’t like him 💀
Remember: Scalping for a couple benjis a day keeps you perpetually in poverty like me ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)
Fucking Dogshit trading today, see you guys Monday
1k LYFT shares at 13.20, 1k CLFshares at 12.36 and put the rest in QTUM and SCHD.
I dont know about these lyft shares…..maybe just use it for 0dtes
Gonna do a corporate take over of Berkshire Hathaway and the first order of business is doing is announcing an options chain because imagine someone on here getting margin called on that shit ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
Lost a lot of money today boys. However I realized these days there is always a 10 bagger playing spy. Hopefully I don’t lose the house ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)
SPY $1000 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)
Poured scolding hot soup all over my head today at Applebees and they didn’t even give me complimentary chicken tenders