New Florida resident here, my wife and I recently moved here for work. We have a renter's policy for our new apartment and made sure to select the additional hurricane insurance. The storm surge due to Hurricane Helene destroyed all of our belongings we did not evacuate with. Work clothes, furniture, electronics, everything. All we have left is a small amount of casual clothes. We noticed after submitting our claim that we do not have flood coverage, just hurricane coverage. We're usually very careful with our insurance policies, and we're not sure how we let this mistake happen.

    Is there anything we can do to improve our situation? Since the storm surge is due to the hurricane, is there any chance our insurer will not reject our claim? What should we reasonably expect here? We just submitted our claim – the adjuster hasn't even made it out yet.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated, thanks everyone.

    Lost everything in hurricane – is there anything we can do? Hurricane coverage, no flood coverage
    byu/LoCalWindex inInsurance

    Posted by LoCalWindex


    1. If you didn’t have flood insurance, there almost no chance there would be coverage on your renter’s policy.

      I’m sorry for your loss. Man, it really sucks. I live in New Orleans and have been through this more times than I want to count.

      FEMA will be the next option for you. There is a website you can find all the available resources: [](

      FEMA in no way will cover all your losses but as time goes there may be more programs you have available to you.

      I wish you the best. You will get through this.

    2. Without flood coverage you’re likely SOL unfortunately. Hurricane coverage is for damages caused specifically by the high winds, flood is almost always its own separate coverage due to the significant severity of the usual flood claim. Even if the thing you have coverage for (hurricane) caused the flooding, unfortunately if the only damages you have are from the flood waters your carrier will likely decline the claim.

    3. GlitteringExcuse5524 on

      Once you get the denial letter from the insurance company, watch the news for the fema help. It is better if you go in person. Also, try and get a fema trailer when they come available

    4. This is a big enough storm that fema will absolutely be involved. Like stated before, apply under your insurance and save the denial letter. Take pictures of EVERYTHING! Start looking for receipts if you have them and start finding comparables for replacement costs. They will depreciate the value on everything, it’s normal unfortunately. They also will not replace everything. If fema picks up the tab they will help with repair costs usually but contents are very limited on what they will help with. It’s better than nothing but be prepared for some strange at times limits on what’s covered.

    5. Pretty_Fisherman_314 on

      I’m in a no flood zone in illinois on the second floor of a very tall building… I am the person who opts out of flood coverage. YOU are not the person who opts out. Not sure how you didn’t know when I called progressive and set up renters insurance they asked me a BUNCH of questions including if I wanted flood or hurrican protection even the agent kinda got quiet after he said hurric- then realized where I lived lol.

    6. Im sorry to hear about this. Still ask insurance co. If you have coverage. Fema and local organizations may offer help. You will need to take pictures. I suggest taking your pictures standing in front of each wall so everything is shown. You will need an inventory list including everything. Name of item, size,.date purchased, cost, and the approx. Replacement cost. Should there be help later this will be needed. See if you fan receive hardship offers. Such as skip a month of payments because your were directly affected by Hurricane. Good luck.

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