Please help! My brother lives by himself on the Gulf coast in FL. He rents his home and has a renters insurance policy as well as hurricane coverage. He was affected by the hurricane and lost everything in the house. He was not in the direct path of the eye, but about 120 miles south of it and on the water (just north of the Tampa Bay area). I am trying to help him review his stuff while he's in the midst of clean up and salvaging what he can. I'm going through his policy and reading the coverages and see that Hurricane coverage only covers wind and rain??? Nothing regarding storm surges and flooding!? WTF? I mean, that's what a damn hurricane does… causes flooding. Has anyone dealt with this and no a way around it? Is there like some specific wording he needs to use when he submits a claim?

    Here is what the Hurricane Loss states:

    Hurricane loss—means sudden and accidental direct physical loss to covered property caused by hurricane. Hurricane loss includes ensuing damage to the interior of a building, or to covered property inside a building, caused by rain, snow, sleet, hail, sand or dust if the direct force of the hurricane first damages the building, causing an opening through which rain, snow, sleet, hail, sand or dust enters and causes damage.

    Question re: Fl rental insurance, hurricane insurance, etc.
    byu/Bored_Photogal inInsurance

    Posted by Bored_Photogal

    1 Comment

    1. redditsuxdonkeyass on

      Yea, no policies cover flood except flood policies specifically provided by the federal program NFIP. His agent either failed him or he bought the plan not understanding the coverage(which is the value of an agent.

      That being said, NFIP coverage can only be applied for as a community so your brother should check with any local associations to see if his community has coverage.

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