Nothing is more motivating than visible progress.

    Enjoying the success and money from your business is incredibly motivating to keep working.

    But there is a problem:

    It took me over a year to get my first sale. And it may take you that long too.

    The truth is, if I was only motivated by visible progress like most people are, I would have quit.

    Instead, the secret to accomplishing incredible things, is to focus on invisible progress.

    For example, let's say I wanted to build a company to $10k a month.

    The level of my income is directly correlated to how skilled I am, or how much value I can provide to the market. 

    But when I first start, I have no experience, no skills, and no value to provide.

    In this scenario, I need to realize that what I actually want ($10k a month) will come after the acquisition of my skills.

    Most people have the goal of making $10k, but this is the wrong perspective.

    What their goal should be instead, is to acquire the skills required to build a $10k a month business.

    This is because, if you worked on your business for months and made $0, you may feel like you haven’t got any closer to $10k.

    In this position, most people think they’ve made no progress and give up. 

    But in reality, you’ve made significant invisible progress. 

    As you work, you are contributing to your skillset. You are gaining the experience and the knowledge necessary to achieve $10k a month.

    You are becoming the person required to reach success as an entrepreneur.

    This is important because starting a business will take time.

    And you’re going to have many days where it feels like you haven’t progressed. 

    But it’s important to know that as you are working toward your business, you always are progressing

    Understand that you are always making invisible progress each and every time you work, and that visible progress will follow.

    Doing this will significantly increase your motivation and discipline, and make it significantly easier to grow your business.

    So to improve your ability to work and run a business, you need to focus on your invisible progress.

    P.s. This post is based on Neuroproductivity, which is NO-BS productivity (productivity using science) if you are interested I got this from moretimeoffline+com they only use productivity based on science, they have great free stuff there.

    Hope this helps! cheers 🙂 

    How to succeed as a beginner entrepreneur
    byu/moretimeoffline inEntrepreneur

    Posted by moretimeoffline

    1 Comment

    1. Ton article met vraiment le doigt sur un point crucial que beaucoup de jeunes entrepreneurs oublient : la progression invisible. On est souvent tellement focalisé sur les résultats immédiats, comme les ventes ou le revenu, qu’on néglige tout le travail en amont qui construit les bases de notre succès futur. En fait, je pense que si on n’accepte pas que les compétences et l’expérience prennent du temps à se développer, on risque de se décourager trop vite.

      Ce que j’ai retenu de ton article, c’est l’importance de se concentrer sur le développement de ses compétences, plutôt que sur l’argent tout de suite. C’est exactement ce qui permet d’avancer, même quand les résultats visibles ne sont pas encore là. Pour moi, c’est la clé pour rester motivé à long terme, surtout au début quand tout semble stagner. Bref, il faut accepter que chaque étape, même invisible, nous rapproche de nos objectifs.

      Merci pour le partage, c’est hyper motivant !

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