I recently switched insurers from Liberty Mutual to Travelers. New underwriters are taking issue with trees over our roof and are threatening to cancel our policy if not corrected by early spring (winter tree removal is not an option here). The insurance company told us to remove the offending tree branches or take a hike. I’m curious what are our options.

    Some background. We live in a suburban Minneapolis neighborhood built in the mid-1980s called The Oaks. Living up to its name, it is very heavily wooded. Literally every single house in my neighborhood has very large trees overhanging their roofs. It’s a huge part of the charm. Specifically in our case, there are 7 offending oak trees ranging in age from approximately 50 – 80 years in age (older than the house). Branch removal is not an option because it will require removing approximately 50% of the canopy for each tree. Aside from destroying part of the urban forest, and devastating our enjoyment and value of the property, the cost is sickening since a crane will be required to remove each tree at around $3,000 per tree.

    FWIW, major regrets switching companies but our old agent was a total toolbox.

    Any advice?

    New homeowners policy requiring tree removal
    byu/Flaky_Pickle_4938 inInsurance

    Posted by Flaky_Pickle_4938

    1 Comment

    1. Generally they just want branches cleared that are touching or near touching the roof. did they specify how much they are asking to clear?

      Most carriers are requiring this now. So don’t be surprised if you change carriers and get asked to do the same thing.

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