Make sure to buy your Tesla puts. It seems after Tesla goes to $265 it’s always downhill from there ![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)
The_odd__todd on
are job openings contentious? or should I hammer my toe to feel something?
E39_CBX on
Anyone else not trust this pump
ian_v_t on
Stop buying poots so mine can print ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)
Blue_Moon_City on
I m -23% YTD. -23% on a bull market…. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)
superpugs on
ykoreaa on
So the port strike is supposed to happen at midnight, but would SPY dump on the day off bc of it…?
isd33p on
Will JOLTS jolt the market tomorrow?
Budget-Recognition26 on
NIKE TO 0$ biiiiitch
EncryptedMyst on
The SPOT calls will continue until morale improves
Hydrr0 on
WMT will either fail me tomorrow or not. I have puts. Everyone says they are set in and ready already for the strike but how tf does anyone actually know that. Regardless what a pump, I agree momentum is high but a reversal looming is even higher
mark1forever on
google, long overdue.
let50972 on
Tsla numbers going to pump this week?
wsbgodly123 on
Bers feel like walking dead season 3?
modnar_resu_tidder on
BCTX going up!!
OGmisterB on
glad i sold those puts i diamond handed all morning.
bought calls before close.
BushLov3r on
Regards in here actually thinking the end of pump was some sort of bullish trend for tomorrow. No, it’s end of quarter rebalancing and more often than not, it’s red the next day cause you regards all bought calls
NVDAismygod on
-550 calories on the day. Once again getting absolutely shredded ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)
Ok-Flatworm-3397 on
Hope something strikes my port ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)
bigdickblase on
Tonight on Traading Reeetorts: teerards Chasing China Calls get their urethra gaped
Timmsworld on
CHYNA BULLS got blocked by Dikemebe today!
romt_25 on
Dell CEO Michael Dell filed for the sale of $1.2 Billion worth of Dell shares.
sockalicious on
Port strikes 101:
* Ignore the main port.
* Look for the exhaust port, just below.
* The shaft is ray-shielded.
* Use proton torpedoes.
* It’s not impossible, I used to bullseye womp rats back home and they’re not much bigger than 2 meters.
penelope5674 on
Is doing ok? Pretty sure both the american and chinese have bipolar disorder ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)
VisualMod on
#Ban Bet Lost
/u/Metribolone made a bet that NVDA would go to 128.0 within **2 weeks** when it was 107.796 and it did not, so they were banned for a week.
JPOW guaranteed bulls will be rich by the end of the week.
romt_25 on
PepsiCo is in advanced talks to acquire tortilla-chip maker Siete Foods for more than $1 billion
PepsiCo earnings on Oct 8th. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)
FluffyFatFawk on
Wars, union strikes, hurricanes, political unrest, inflation…the market just keeps on truckin’. 😂
yeedub on
Why did spy pump so hard end of day ? What the fuck man
talkyape on
Feels like today was a message to poors and hopeful new traders:
*”Have no illusions about what you’re doing. You are playing our game and we control the board.”*
Deja_ve_ on
NIKE gonna moon
bullgang2000 on
will LUNR join the market tomorrow
NVDAismygod on
My gf wants me to go visit her family in Tel Aviv next year as a black man. Fellas am I cooked?
Gristle__McThornbody on
I was told BABA was going to pay for my Lambo.
NomadStar45 on
Just like clockwork, everything is tanking AH, They dumped it earlier to get all the ODTE and put callers to sell off so they didnt catch the dump tomm. Then they pumped it to get people to buy calls, now we will see a 5% correction by thursday…. !Banbet
Warstoriez on
Went to my first NA meeting recently (won’t be back) been clean for 3 years but was craving some beautiful drugs so that’s y I went and honestly not craving anymore after that so maybe it worked
Elegant_Weakness_759 on
DJT is untradeable.
Hi my name is Dee Generate.. and you can AMA about how much I’ve lost this month on calls and puts!
Soossaaaa on
Port strike is bearish for inventory selling companies like WMT and bullish for logistics companies like UPS and JBHT
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpp on
bears were celebrating and now we all-time highs again
get back in your holes!
Independent_Ad_9429 on
How fucked are my nio calls gonna be this week. Bought after first dip at open
Make sure to buy your Tesla puts. It seems after Tesla goes to $265 it’s always downhill from there ![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)
are job openings contentious? or should I hammer my toe to feel something?
Anyone else not trust this pump
Stop buying poots so mine can print ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)
I m -23% YTD. -23% on a bull market…. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)
So the port strike is supposed to happen at midnight, but would SPY dump on the day off bc of it…?
Will JOLTS jolt the market tomorrow?
NIKE TO 0$ biiiiitch
The SPOT calls will continue until morale improves
WMT will either fail me tomorrow or not. I have puts. Everyone says they are set in and ready already for the strike but how tf does anyone actually know that. Regardless what a pump, I agree momentum is high but a reversal looming is even higher
google, long overdue.
Tsla numbers going to pump this week?
Bers feel like walking dead season 3?
BCTX going up!!
glad i sold those puts i diamond handed all morning.
bought calls before close.
Regards in here actually thinking the end of pump was some sort of bullish trend for tomorrow. No, it’s end of quarter rebalancing and more often than not, it’s red the next day cause you regards all bought calls
-550 calories on the day. Once again getting absolutely shredded ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)
Hope something strikes my port ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)
Tonight on Traading Reeetorts: teerards Chasing China Calls get their urethra gaped
CHYNA BULLS got blocked by Dikemebe today!
Dell CEO Michael Dell filed for the sale of $1.2 Billion worth of Dell shares.
Port strikes 101:
* Ignore the main port.
* Look for the exhaust port, just below.
* The shaft is ray-shielded.
* Use proton torpedoes.
* It’s not impossible, I used to bullseye womp rats back home and they’re not much bigger than 2 meters.
Is doing ok? Pretty sure both the american and chinese have bipolar disorder ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)
#Ban Bet Lost
/u/Metribolone made a bet that NVDA would go to 128.0 within **2 weeks** when it was 107.796 and it did not, so they were banned for a week.
Their record is now 0 wins and 1 losses
[**Join WSB Discord**](
JPOW guaranteed bulls will be rich by the end of the week.
PepsiCo is in advanced talks to acquire tortilla-chip maker Siete Foods for more than $1 billion
PepsiCo earnings on Oct 8th. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)
Wars, union strikes, hurricanes, political unrest, inflation…the market just keeps on truckin’. 😂
Why did spy pump so hard end of day ? What the fuck man
Feels like today was a message to poors and hopeful new traders:
*”Have no illusions about what you’re doing. You are playing our game and we control the board.”*
NIKE gonna moon
will LUNR join the market tomorrow
My gf wants me to go visit her family in Tel Aviv next year as a black man. Fellas am I cooked?
I was told BABA was going to pay for my Lambo.
Just like clockwork, everything is tanking AH, They dumped it earlier to get all the ODTE and put callers to sell off so they didnt catch the dump tomm. Then they pumped it to get people to buy calls, now we will see a 5% correction by thursday…. !Banbet
Went to my first NA meeting recently (won’t be back) been clean for 3 years but was craving some beautiful drugs so that’s y I went and honestly not craving anymore after that so maybe it worked
DJT is untradeable.
Hi my name is Dee Generate.. and you can AMA about how much I’ve lost this month on calls and puts!
Port strike is bearish for inventory selling companies like WMT and bullish for logistics companies like UPS and JBHT
bears were celebrating and now we all-time highs again
get back in your holes!
How fucked are my nio calls gonna be this week. Bought after first dip at open