US Says Iran Preparing to Attack Israel With Ballistic Missiles

    Posted by skilliard7


    1. Iran probably are the ones who told the US about the missiles so they can be shot down. They donโ€™t want war, but donโ€™t want to look like skirts. Buying opportunity this is nothing.

    2. Bullishย  ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ‘‘

    3. SpaceyEngineer on

      Dang Israel going absolutely buck wild might actually reap reactions from our adversaries

    4. Productpusher on

      For 20 years we have been fear mongered that โ€œ Iran is 1 year away from a nuke โ€œ
      โ€œ they are going to wipe out Israel โ€œ

      Iโ€™m sure we will keep hearing it for another 20 years until the CIA causes another revolution there

    5. They have to, else they losse their credit for the whole middle east.
      Probably just a small scale attack, and they will inform the US in advance, just like before.

    6. all they need to do is fire 3 missles at the same exact location at one. The first one will be intercepted but the second and third will make it through.

    7. Telephone_Antique on

      Iran is literally the nothing ever happens chud meme personified into a country, they literally say this shit like once a month on twitterย 


    8. Side question: how many times now has Israel decisively defeated their enemies? Seems like I heard this before.

    9. short_long_killer on

      bought TLT calls… Yields are going down! As a native of Iran, fuck the gov over there! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

    10. Not sure an octopus that’s lost half its’ tentacles should start flinging rocks with the ones it has left ~ but those posters of the Ayatollah do kinda resemble a poster child for retardation…

    11. DirtyHalfMexican on

      Ports closed, a few states down from storms, middle east bombing itself into war.

      Can we get a bigger dip?

    12. Iran wasn’t happy crude oil was going down.

      A cheeky little missile threat will sort the price out again.

    13. SillyWoodpecker6508 on

      This is all theatrics, right?

      Last time they did this 99% of them never reached Israel.

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