Next stop 18.2k to 100k. If I held 1 hour later I would’ve had 30k instead of 18.2k. Basically anytime I could’ve sold after i did, I would’ve been more in profit
johnferndale007 on
Show us the $100K to $2K in 6 months 🍿
indyrocks63 on
Thanks. Who cares? Keep your fantasies to yourself.
Shot_Statistician249 on
Damn I went the other way with calls and we all know how that turned out. Great job winning. Can I borrow some money for Wendy’s. My job interview isn’t until next week
xcoop3 on
Bro don’t take it for granted and lose 20k gains like I did a couple months ago
Big-Diver-7321 on
Charge your phone 🤳
sundialbih on
Call me I need yourhelp
LabyrinthLayers on
Nice gains man!! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)
ccgogo123 on
does anyone know why the price of NVIDIA keeps tumbling recently? I don’t find any bad news about it. Instead, it’s projected to make 10B revenue by Blackwell. Scratch my head.
FragrantGarbage7947 on
What was the expiration date?
doorcharge on
It’s faster on the way down. You can do it!
Old_Researcher6772 on
naked or do you have shares of Nvdia, if so how much
Various-Ducks on
Ya but it’s 5 calendar days
noncommonGoodsense on
Fuckin guy over here… leave NVDA alone! 😭 Just leave it alone!
kmspecht on
Profit is profit. It’ll all be goon soon enough. You are concerned with what you could’ve made. Yes, it could’ve been better, but it was profit. A good profit at that. Be blessed.
League-Weird on
First one is free
jumbocards on
Congrats, you’ll make millions in no time.
Samurai2089 on
Where did you get the insight for this from? I wish there a place to follow these trades
rvdms on
Puts tomorrow too?
Superb-Cockroach-574 on
That was some good luck
wolfvaine98 on
What books or people did you watch to get so good? Trying to learn as I’m starting a new job
Superb-Cockroach-574 on
Should I buy a put for oct 4th and what price?
Birdy_619 on
What’s a business day
InbredAutisticGamble on
This is bs, why can’t it be me ?
ApartmentBeneficial2 on
Put ‘in your way to wealth. Love it.
WaveBreezy on
Should I short it now?
Impossible_Lead7073 on
How much money you lose this year. A million ?
QuirkyAverageJoe on
Like how OP only withdrew $500 after making $8k in the first trade and then went all in again 🦧
ak44m on
itsnotshade on
Look at this guy withdrawing money. How dare you use gains in the real world.
Next stop 18.2k to 100k. If I held 1 hour later I would’ve had 30k instead of 18.2k. Basically anytime I could’ve sold after i did, I would’ve been more in profit
Show us the $100K to $2K in 6 months 🍿
Thanks. Who cares? Keep your fantasies to yourself.
Damn I went the other way with calls and we all know how that turned out. Great job winning. Can I borrow some money for Wendy’s. My job interview isn’t until next week
Bro don’t take it for granted and lose 20k gains like I did a couple months ago
Charge your phone 🤳
Call me I need yourhelp
Nice gains man!! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)
does anyone know why the price of NVIDIA keeps tumbling recently? I don’t find any bad news about it. Instead, it’s projected to make 10B revenue by Blackwell. Scratch my head.
What was the expiration date?
It’s faster on the way down. You can do it!
naked or do you have shares of Nvdia, if so how much
Ya but it’s 5 calendar days
Fuckin guy over here… leave NVDA alone! 😭 Just leave it alone!
Profit is profit. It’ll all be goon soon enough. You are concerned with what you could’ve made. Yes, it could’ve been better, but it was profit. A good profit at that. Be blessed.
First one is free
Congrats, you’ll make millions in no time.
Where did you get the insight for this from? I wish there a place to follow these trades
Puts tomorrow too?
That was some good luck
What books or people did you watch to get so good? Trying to learn as I’m starting a new job
Should I buy a put for oct 4th and what price?
What’s a business day
This is bs, why can’t it be me ?
Put ‘in your way to wealth. Love it.
Should I short it now?
How much money you lose this year. A million ?
Like how OP only withdrew $500 after making $8k in the first trade and then went all in again 🦧
Look at this guy withdrawing money. How dare you use gains in the real world.
very good business in 3 business days.