Title. What the fuck gives? I put my heart and soul into DD on $SPY and threw a dart between my legs at a math worksheet my 6 year old did in toxic lead based crayons that I use to pick strike prices, then these cock gobblers shut my position down at 3:30 sharp for only 50% of the juicy gainz I was entitled to by letting those bitches expire safely out of the money.

    $SPY 570C/571C

    Why the fuck do the cucks at RH close my 0dte options before they expire worthless so I can get all my deserved profit???
    byu/war5515 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by war5515


    1. idonteverwatchsports on

      They will always exercise 0dte options at 3:30pm EST. I’ve lost many gains from this. Other brokerages handle it differently.


    3. DeadByOptions on

      Dude, it’s normal. Go read their policy and many other brokers also do something similar.

    4. I work at a brokerage firm and we would sell you out at least 30 minutes before Robinhood does. Many people do not understand what they are even holding and then wonder why they get closed out when they could potentially take on 6000 shares of SPY in a $10,000 account over the weekend for example. I often have to perform counter trades for clients that hold in the money options into expiration to get rid of risk on positions that accounts can’t support.

    5. I had short PLTR calls that were -99% at close then they got the s/p after hours and I got assigned lol

      Completely my fault for not paying attention to that date but that mutltiped by thousands is probably bad for the brokerage

    6. s1n0d3utscht3k on

      hey robin hoodie of the chubbin woodie forest oughtta give ur balls a tug fucking not lettin’ cawk and boolz here wheel n deal tittyfuck top shelf where nana hides the cookies

    7. Impossible_Apple17 on

      They do that shit! They closed my spread which would have made profit but ended up paying couple 100 extra because they go and randomly buy from market at 3:30. I ended up requesting full transfer of the account over to Schwab. Anger transfer! You should do the same!

    8. Big-Routine222 on

      Always buy a day past what you need for RH. Otherwise it’s gonna happen again, last 30 minutes can always be wild

    9. ilostallmymoney1 on

      On the bright side if that was today, SPY dropped to like 568 so they might have saved you

    10. RH is like a short guy getting out of a lifted truck bro #Compensating ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

    11. SynapseSmoked on

      They always do that at 3:30pm on the dot. Then the whackos act like they’re hard at work. gotta get all them orders closed out. such tough work. smh.

      RH is not the place for 0dte after hours.

    12. Not sure why RH can’t handle that issue, Charles Schwab does not do that. If you are gonna close out at 3:30 est, you can just as easily close out at 3:59 est or after. Schwab will close them out after 4:00 est automatically if you don’t have the funds to exercise the contract, so at least you can play the last few minutes of the trading day. If I’m trading 0dte I always try to do it in Schwab.

    13. Fun-Negotiation-9046 on

      RH closes ITM options to protect against auto-exercise by OCC upon expiration. Try submitting a DNE request via RH support. They should let you file one before their time window but it depends on the agent.

    14. I know this is a big ask here but if you read you account documents this policy is clear as is what you need to do to avoid it.

    15. RH only does this for positions with a high enough volatility or high enough risk given the portfolio size that it can’t support the potential risk of it expiring ITM

    16. It helps avoid the risk of being assigned the shares that you can’t afford to pay for which will turn your account super negative over night or over the weekend.

      Remember that dude that off’d himself because his RH account showed a -$700k deficit because one leg of his spread got called on a Friday afternoon because he didn’t understand what had happened? It helps avoid situations similar to that.

    17. Don’t use robbinghood, should have learned this the last time they ducked over their users..

    18. Here’s a secret. Create a sell order over the bid-ask so it doesn’t fill. Robinhood will have to cancel that order before they auto sell. If you watch the contracts you can catch the order cancel and immediately put in another sell order LOL 😆 I’ve done this for 15 minutes once and got more profit. 🫡

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