Had 25k to play options. Decided to trust auTSM guy back in March. What a decent to hell it was. Down 40% on my account. Swore to ignore WSB since then. I made it all back buy selling CSPs and CC. (From shares assigned by CSPs. Tickets I play are only ones I want to hold long term and only entries are good. They are ASTS, LUNR PLTR (selling CCs on this one) RKLB, S, MPW and OXY. I sell ITM CSP and because I'm more not assigned than not, I have yet to pay margin fees. I also hold SGOV for that sweet 5% dividends. Slow pace wins the race (well not that slow. Just slow for WSB. My lowest was August 2 at 18k.)

    I know it's not wow inducing like Odtes but obviously works for me. So I'll keep doing that.


    Posted by Mother_Source_5249


    1. my man you made 12 bucks which probably puts you in the 90th percentile in this sub, congrats on breaking even tho

    2. >Slow pace wins the race

      spent the year being even during a crazy bull run… you didn’t even win.

    3. Sufficient-Comment on

      Damn that blows the +%30 I made just holding shares out of the water. You’re telling me I could have been stressed out AND broke even after 6 months. Wow

    4. nightvision_101 on

      Can somebody put this into a calculator if he would have just put the 25k into a sp500 index….

    5. Dude as long as you’re happy with your progress that’s all that matters!
      Congrats on your progress!!

    6. Well, at least you learned something valuable out of this, WSB has that name for a reason.

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