Meanwhile us TLT regards gang when the yield curve inverted again this morning

    Posted by Borntobuycalls


    1. SocialSuicideSquad on

      Did you draw Van Metre from memory or do you only have enough brain cells to trace left?

    2. I feel called out, thanks trading gods I didn’t decided to go all in into $TLT calls as I had planned.

      I waited and I’ll go with SOFR SR3 Future Options instead.

      But I’ll wait until the end of the month. Maybe there won’t be a recession. And calls on TLT or SR3 are getting fffffffffed

    3. JamesHutchisonReal on

      It’ll correct. There’s a general stagflation play where they think the fed will suddenly change its mind. I think it’s misguided.

      The Fed will not change its mind nor its course.

      Keep in mind that bonds can sometimes trade irrationally. That’s exactly how long term capital management blew up (waiting for it correct, which it eventually did).

    4. Wrong_Phase_5581 on

      Buying TLT doesn’t mean you’re predicting a recession. You’re just predicting yields dropping. That’s not a crazy assumption given the feds policy and lower inflation.

    5. By the way, this is why the TLT play does not work as we Baghooldeers expected

      FED Funds rate is correlated with short term yields, but not so much with bonds.

      Even when 20+ yields drop, they come back up in a few months…. so if shit hits the fan, we have to sell TLT after some time.

      Sauce: [](

    6. paintedfaceless on

      lol your forgot these guys make hours of YouTube content saying that the end is coming soon.

    7. Collecting near 5% with TMF but who’s counting?

      Also TLT/TMF are not for gambling gains. They are gambling insurance or the insurance policy on your gambling. Either way they aren’t for getting the Lambo but making sure you don’t end up sucking dick while getting your ass plowed behind Wendy’s.

    8. Dense_Reflection4070 on

      The same thing happened after the Fed cut rates in September of 07 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)

    9. You know…. i’ve been holding TLT and making bank. there is this one trick “THEY” dont want you to know about. Honestly, its super simple and super stupid, and you just make money forever. TLT is so predictable too, but you dont even have to trade it.

    10. Latter_Ad7677 on

      TLT has more upside potential than down

      but TLT is a long game now for the paper hands

    11. likely_Protei_8327 on

      TLT doesn’t require recession. It requires interest rates to go down.

      TLT isn’t a play on the market imploding. Its a play on the 4.8% money market account interest rate going down. Eventually that will happen and people will need to park cash somewhere that gives 3-5% annualized interest

    12. Yea and the market indices haven’t budged since 9/19 with promised rate cuts and a surprising upside to the jobs number.. You just have less clown makeup on.

    13. TomatoSpecialist6879 on

      People thinking TLT only goes up when recession happens even though it’s actually due to interest rate cuts is why bers keep getting destroyed in everything but bond market and mmf.

    14. EmergencyFair6786 on

      It’s down to 94!? Wow. My average is around 92 and last I looked it was 99 just a couple days ago.

    15. Floxnacinihliplfic8r on

      Where’s the dude from last year who posted about a 3 million dollar treasury inversion play anyone remember that post?

    16. CoC_Axis_of_Evil on

      most libertarians would never buy treasuries so that is not accurate. This also doesn’t take into account the emerging BRICS currency driving treasuries down long term. Everything else is true, so far lol. 

    17. Lol bagholder? I bought in the 80s and have made a few thousand so far. Just bought the dip

    18. Haha, I looked at the TLT chart 📉, much worse than I imagined. Yield is 3.82% ? I rather have someone write covered calls for me and earn twice that.

    19. MuellMichDoNichtVoll on

      Oh relax fatboy 😉 what’s rather going to happen: interest rates manipulated down at all cost or a politician cutting spending and admitting they were wrong

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