What do we do with this info? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) positions?
playa4thee on
**Others see circuitry…. we see $$$DOLLAR $ign$ and Gain$….**
Marko-2091 on
Cool, now we need to see someone actually making money out from AI and not from the hardware.
NimrodvanHall on
Did they run it on a Linux or a Windows box?
Ordinary_Option1453 on
Tell me why there’s a VGA monitor plug coming off that adapter. They haven’t made those in over a decade. Plus the white adapter looks like one of those usb-c adapters from a Mac, which makes no sense for being a MS machine? This smells like bs to me.
United-Advisor-5910 on
Happy New Chip?
semitope on
Moonrajah on
Closed loop liquid cooling, huh? Tom Wambsgans would like to have a word with you.
AffectionateMud5808 on
[deleted] on
cbusoh66 on
Dang, this is a shot across the bow to Zuckerberg and AWS/GOOGL/ORCL to start begging Jensen more directly.
Calls on NVDA and TSM.
Jiop4444 on
That’ll be my rig to run the reboot of Backyard Baseball
ThisismyBoom-stick on
Best silicone?
ValenTom on
Wake up babe, new chatbot dropped
WiseAce1 on
will this help my counterstrike accuracy?
notcheeng on
looks cool, where can i get one of these
Ne0guri on
Elon, Ellison, Zuck all having seizures at the moment
What do we do with this info? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) positions?
**Others see circuitry…. we see $$$DOLLAR $ign$ and Gain$….**
Cool, now we need to see someone actually making money out from AI and not from the hardware.
Did they run it on a Linux or a Windows box?
Tell me why there’s a VGA monitor plug coming off that adapter. They haven’t made those in over a decade. Plus the white adapter looks like one of those usb-c adapters from a Mac, which makes no sense for being a MS machine? This smells like bs to me.
Happy New Chip?
Closed loop liquid cooling, huh? Tom Wambsgans would like to have a word with you.
Dang, this is a shot across the bow to Zuckerberg and AWS/GOOGL/ORCL to start begging Jensen more directly.
Calls on NVDA and TSM.
That’ll be my rig to run the reboot of Backyard Baseball
Best silicone?
Wake up babe, new chatbot dropped
will this help my counterstrike accuracy?
looks cool, where can i get one of these
Elon, Ellison, Zuck all having seizures at the moment