1. FaythDarkHeart on

      no lie picked up some SPY and PLTR puts for cheap end of week just cuz im salty i didnt buy more shares

      so either my portfolio dies and puts print or my portfolio does good and puts die

    2. Was down $491 yesterday, but scalped $874 today

      Missed the chance to close 1k+ shorting at 573

    3. Texas has a grocery store chain called HEB. I wonder how jewish people feel shopping there.

    4. Reid-Cipriani on

      After losing 50k I’m trying to trade 2k back to 50k by the end of the year. Should be pretty easy right?

    5. so… lost all my gains on YINN… got out before it went further than just losing gains…

      and now i’m all in on YANG!

      gambling addiction has taken over

    6. PrinceofWar69 on

      Nvda netflix and spy calls did me well today, scooped up some rblx puts for next week, dont think shorts are done yet after hind report

    7. ballzstreetwets on

      Come on, NVDA, don’t do this. Went from 133.40 to 132.78 as soon as I bought 100 calls. BS stock

    8. Full_Bank_6172 on

      Puts in $TRV. The severity of these hurricanes is being massively underreported in the media. When travelers has their earnings fall on 10/18 insurance stocks are going to plummet.

    9. upside_win111 on

      Damn it I told myself if GRND hit 13 I would pay for a premium account. Wife probably won’t like that…

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