Had a big come back, I was down approximately 45k at one point. Loss after loss after loss.
Shifted my strategy to options that are “safer,” also I stopped attempting to earn large returns, I sold after 10% returns on average.
My main strategy was SPY calls, I would wait for a quick sell off, and buy in. If it went against me, I would buy more. Cut loses at 25%.
I would buy calls depending on how i perceived sentiment. I strongly believe what makes a trader successful, is if he or she can effectively gauge sentiment. Not lines on a chart and dumb shit like “bollinger bands.”
I do not consider myself a successful trading overall, but I can say that sentiment is everything.
My strategy will work until it doesn’t.
Posted by ilovegambling0dte
Bro I have 18k and lost 45k peep my post today that’s hilarious. Thanks for giving a regard some much needed hope.
Nice! How do you that refresh timer in the action bar?
It looks like you have a SPY refresh timer that tells you updated percentage changes on the top of your screen.
Yeeeee buddy 😎
Lemme guess QQQ 0DTE
You’ve got it all figured out OP. Should be smooth sailing from here.
What length of expiry options were you buying? And how far out was your strike, percentage wise, normally?
take that money and run for your GD life
Happy for you.
Also if you’re under 25k, switch to a cash account. This will allow you to trade more than 3 times in a 5 day period
Nailed it: avoid technical chart reading AKA “dumb shit” lol ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
what was the trade that got you that huge rip up in the middle of the month?
Next challenge is to come back with only under $100. I’ll be impressed then
Safer options you say ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)
You are up 104%. In Italy, “Law 104” is the law about regarded’s rights. It cannot be a coincidence. Congratulation!
Yup. Sentiment is important. People forget the entire market is based around supply and demand.
Just like Kim Kardashian.
How does one do this as beginner with around $500 dollars? I’m a student-athlete in college and I’m trying to make money fast while still learning some important stock market concepts.
A nice cumback porn. Like the Kardashian one.
You know how they say the market crashes when you buy calls and runs as soon as you buy puts? I’m convinced that as soon as you make a post like this one you’ll never make another winning trade again.
Great. Now quit gambling. Have a nice life and fuck you!
Take a huge profit. Let it sit in cash, sit on your hands and breath for a bit man. Leave a bit in to let it roll and enjoy the comeback
I would take a few months off and pick up a new hobby. Come back with a clearer mind.
One day I will come back and will heed this advice. Congratulations
I thought you didn’t want us to call it a comeback?
At least you realize that. . should work through nov /Dec. after that. You’re on your own signed RANDY RANDO FROM REDDIT
Nice username
Write an Ebook
Gah damn. Good shit. Hell of a comeback
How many total option trades did you make first question, second ,how many losses did you take along the way?