Bought at open, went back to sleep, woke up to this. 🤩

    Posted by ResearcherTimely4215


    1. Venusflytraphands on

      Question: I bought 0dte calls today for the first time. I did well but I got a notice that I’m day trading and my account (Robinhood) may be suspended. What does day trading change or affect?

    2. So, you bought 0DTE and you managed to fall asleep? You’ve got nerves of steel. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    3. Borntobuycalls on

      Well done enjoy it ! I’m learning that whatever is the obvious ( puts at all time high) do the opposite ( calls at all time high).

    4. Educated_Clownshow on

      I bought $576 calls yesterday expiring today. Made my little $1000 and called it a day

    5. I guarantee you didn’t sell, and now it’s worth 0. If you can be regarded enough to fall asleep

    6. Apart-Consequence881 on

      I bet you’re thinking “Damn, imagine if I had invested 1000s, 10,000s instead!?!?

    7. -aurevoirshoshanna- on

      I wanted to buy at open but I was in a meeting that was supposed to end quickly and lasted over 2hs.

      It was all over by then

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