One more week to expiry though 😭😭 💪 🙏

    Posted by ActionHeroLOL


    1. DisastrousResist7527 on

      Why would you do tesla calls before a tesla event you absolute fool. One where elon musk was at no less. You deserve this L. The company is at their absolute best when no one is paying attention to them.

    2. Specific_Phase_4455 on

      Do ur self a favor and sell these first thing in the morning next week, that’s still 8k and stick to stocks

    3. Ok-Entertainment576 on

      You still got one week at least you will probably break even. I got some call too hopefully the stock will go up a little bit PM on Monday. Good luck to call holders.

    4. TravelTheWorldDan on

      Why anyone would’ve bought calls during this announcement and not puts is beyond my belief. Every time they make an announcement like this the stock drops. All the excitement around the taxi was already built into the stock price, and it was a failure of an event. Glad I bought my puts like a smart person.

    5. Yeah I knew I should’ve went puts after the delivery numbersx

      But I was like I had 1 debit spread I’ll let it ride

      I knew as soon as he came out with the leather jacket Tod Howard wears and the ceo of nvda wear I was cooked mine doesn’t expire till nov 1 but I am at this point very bearish for them

    6. Why tf would you buy calls on an event that already had bad reputation ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

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