Watch it happen

    Posted by Extension-Link-5972


    1. Comfortable-Bit1785 on

      It would only take one 4 pick parlay with even odds bets with $500 to fix this at least that way youl know whether or not you fixed it in only one day

    2. When you have deluded yourself into believing real investing works like doubling your money at a casino….

    3. Competitive_Pin_8786 on

      You successfully bought every meme stock on its dump, slight glimmer of hope a few times there but you diamond handed the shit out of those trades…. You’ll fit right in

    4. onion4everyoccasion on

      >I’m gonna do it with only 500 watch me.

      Do what? Jerk off to tentacle porn? $500 should do it. Just keep up on your Internet bill

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