Anyone watch this? Trump trying to gaslight Ivy League educated professionals and leaders of industry as to how business and the economy works. Truly embarrassing. Wow.

    Posted by Tiny-Lock9652


    1. TenesmusSupreme on

      Many people there are not Ivy League educated. They are nominated by two existing CEC members and may represent current or up-and-coming members of the community at large.

    2. AssumedPersona on

      Fascinating adlib, he struggles in places but he uses his classic manipulation techniques to dominate the discussion and deflect questions. He accuses the interviewer of jumping between topics while he himself rarely finishes a point and often not even a sentence. He even mentions “the weave”. I hope the businesspeople present are beginning to see through his patter, but regrettably his target audience of voters will be completely taken in.

    3. All the cheers made me depressed. Why do they love this dude so much, it’s cult like.

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