just lost everything . lost 20k+ put in 20k of my bank account now left with this and $5k in my bank account i don’t know what to do with myself someone pls tell me how u cope
i cope by only ~~gambling~~ investing what i can afford to lose.
maybe it’s time to check out r/bogleheads
mpfdetroit on
Buy some coke.
HandymanNC on
Buy drug
Fluffy-Sentence-3023 on
Put the rest on black
robmafia on
dude, who cares. it’s just numbers on a screen, none of this is real
wkc201 on
You still got a good percentage of what you started with. Try to get it back with smaller less risky bets. You’re far from over brotha.
Galactic_PizzaSlice on
And this, my friends, is why diversification is important when it comes to your assets.
for__posterity on
You go to sleep , wake up , and start over.
Back in 2021 I lost like 230k+ in 2 trades over 2 days , I lost 97k in 8 mins in one of those trades and I will probably post that loss on here in the future. I think only like 0.01% people on here can match my loss per min which was $12,125 or $202 per second . Now I’m broke ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
TheChi88 on
You don’t lose it until you cash out
Evening_Jello_6772 on
I know how you feel bro this is the worst. Gotta stop using emotion when buying and doing risky and dumb trades. Something I’m teaching myself. What I did because I lost so much was buy long term calls into companies that will make sense and forget about it. In the mean time learn about how you messed up during your trades. And don’t do it again
WallStreetRegard on
I still see $12,580.06, you haven’t lost everything yet. Did you know 90% of gamblers quit just before they hit it big?
onepingonlypleashe on
With options plays, never risk more than you are willing to lose. You should automatically assume you will lose the money you put in, and if that would feel okay to you, then go ahead. If not, go with shares.
Business_Reindeer571 on
Study black schole
Gutmier on
Still got 12k left just need +200 to go profit
ecarroll942 on
Didn’t lose it all. Still got 12k to go!
niack1 on
5k in netflix puts for one last yolo
PinkyPowers on
Thanks for sharing. Your stupidity keeps me on the straight and narrow. You’ve served this community well. Now you are free.
Green_L3af on
Head on over to Wendy’s
AdApart2035 on
I know what not to do. Don’t do options
Robi-Wan15 on
Close your accounts. Open a savings account. Get a job. Accept that you made a mistake and move on. Don’t make the same mistake twice.
Accomplished_Dot9815 on
You didn’t lose it all holy shit stop crying
Hedo_nism_ on
Hast du versucht es einmal auszuschalten und wieder anzuschalten? Vielleicht hilft das!
JaysLight_ on
Delete the app and install again
liquidtv78 on
no, you just lost it some.
GristlyGarrit on
Build back better bro
Cypher1643 on
My advice, stop depositing all this money that you didn’t earn from trading and expecting to be able to trade like you can handle that much money. Obviously you can’t. You haven’t deserved that right yet.
As painful as it is, start with a bare minimum amount that your broker requires you to have to make the smallest trades. Then focus just on growing this small account by 1-2% a day or whatever your time + your strategy can accomplish successfully. Then fucking grind.
Your money is gone forever, delete the memory of it from your brain. Start making $20 a day, then $50 a day, then $100 a day (and make that transition over months) and then slowly get up to the minimum amount you need to pay all your bills. And make sure that is consistent over months. Then and only then should you think about “making” money.
Realistically, if you follow this advice, at some point you will lose it all again, and feel even worse than you did this time because you made it all from trading so it’ll hit harder because it took you months or a year to build up to that amount.
Then you restart and do the same thing again, this time it’ll go faster, and you won’t fuck up as much. Maybe this will be the last time, maybe you lose it all one more time, but eventually something in your brain will click about whatever is fucking you up so much and you fix it.
sharplez on
This is a gambling sub, everyone here is a gambler. Take a few, reevaluate, and actually invest and set aside money in smart long term things. That number will eventually go up and turn green, but you need to be aware and focused. Read the news, invest accordingly. This place is for people who wanna make risky moves or get rich quick. Options are definitely risky, but it can be rewarding, either by DD or dumb luck.
aamchan on
Who’s going to place puts on QQQ after seeing this?
HerezahTip on
Lotta $ROPE to be had for twelve grand
True-Temperature-891 on
Take a small break just to recalibrate and ground yourself. I would transfer the 5k from the bank into the brokerage and enroll in the robinhood gold program so that you collect some interest on the capital while you figure things out.
What’s been lost can be regained but you have to be a bit more tactical.
novabull23 on
Looks like you have some money draped to your forehead. Use that
Financial-Ad7902 on
Turn the screen upside down and paint it green
Mihawk-32 on
Did u even have any idea of what u were doing…? Did u just follow a bunch of Discord and Reddit scammers..?
BeyondTheStars22 on
money comes and goes. It will come again.
Just learn from this. Expensive lesson but at least not in debt.
And never touch options again ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
cheeze2005 on
Buy shares of a good index fund.
Bubbly-Unit-4988 on
What’s this invested in?
Skaaaaaay on
Maybe “try Gold”?
SumGuy713 on
Just turn your screen upside down, problem solved.
OutsideOwl5892 on
Don’t gamble with money that would require coping if you lost it
SoftwareSalary on
Now you’re going to do it again
New-Cucumber-7423 on
Don’t be stupid.
crentony on
You have like 10 posts on WSB, All of them losses
I don’t think you should gamble on the stock market anymore
Fearless_Locality on
Wear it like a badge and convince other people not to do the dumb shit you did
Educational_Swan_152 on
Here’s an idea. Stop gambling. Take your $12k, put that shit in an ETF and keep buying ETF’s over time
keep going
Do the opposite of what you have been doing. Lol
i cope by only ~~gambling~~ investing what i can afford to lose.
maybe it’s time to check out r/bogleheads
Buy some coke.
Buy drug
Put the rest on black
dude, who cares. it’s just numbers on a screen, none of this is real
You still got a good percentage of what you started with. Try to get it back with smaller less risky bets. You’re far from over brotha.
And this, my friends, is why diversification is important when it comes to your assets.
You go to sleep , wake up , and start over.
Back in 2021 I lost like 230k+ in 2 trades over 2 days , I lost 97k in 8 mins in one of those trades and I will probably post that loss on here in the future. I think only like 0.01% people on here can match my loss per min which was $12,125 or $202 per second . Now I’m broke ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
You don’t lose it until you cash out
I know how you feel bro this is the worst. Gotta stop using emotion when buying and doing risky and dumb trades. Something I’m teaching myself. What I did because I lost so much was buy long term calls into companies that will make sense and forget about it. In the mean time learn about how you messed up during your trades. And don’t do it again
I still see $12,580.06, you haven’t lost everything yet. Did you know 90% of gamblers quit just before they hit it big?
With options plays, never risk more than you are willing to lose. You should automatically assume you will lose the money you put in, and if that would feel okay to you, then go ahead. If not, go with shares.
Study black schole
Still got 12k left just need +200 to go profit
Didn’t lose it all. Still got 12k to go!
5k in netflix puts for one last yolo
Thanks for sharing. Your stupidity keeps me on the straight and narrow. You’ve served this community well. Now you are free.
Head on over to Wendy’s
I know what not to do. Don’t do options
Close your accounts. Open a savings account. Get a job. Accept that you made a mistake and move on. Don’t make the same mistake twice.
You didn’t lose it all holy shit stop crying
Hast du versucht es einmal auszuschalten und wieder anzuschalten? Vielleicht hilft das!
Delete the app and install again
no, you just lost it some.
Build back better bro
My advice, stop depositing all this money that you didn’t earn from trading and expecting to be able to trade like you can handle that much money. Obviously you can’t. You haven’t deserved that right yet.
As painful as it is, start with a bare minimum amount that your broker requires you to have to make the smallest trades. Then focus just on growing this small account by 1-2% a day or whatever your time + your strategy can accomplish successfully. Then fucking grind.
Your money is gone forever, delete the memory of it from your brain. Start making $20 a day, then $50 a day, then $100 a day (and make that transition over months) and then slowly get up to the minimum amount you need to pay all your bills. And make sure that is consistent over months. Then and only then should you think about “making” money.
Realistically, if you follow this advice, at some point you will lose it all again, and feel even worse than you did this time because you made it all from trading so it’ll hit harder because it took you months or a year to build up to that amount.
Then you restart and do the same thing again, this time it’ll go faster, and you won’t fuck up as much. Maybe this will be the last time, maybe you lose it all one more time, but eventually something in your brain will click about whatever is fucking you up so much and you fix it.
This is a gambling sub, everyone here is a gambler. Take a few, reevaluate, and actually invest and set aside money in smart long term things. That number will eventually go up and turn green, but you need to be aware and focused. Read the news, invest accordingly. This place is for people who wanna make risky moves or get rich quick. Options are definitely risky, but it can be rewarding, either by DD or dumb luck.
Who’s going to place puts on QQQ after seeing this?
Lotta $ROPE to be had for twelve grand
Take a small break just to recalibrate and ground yourself. I would transfer the 5k from the bank into the brokerage and enroll in the robinhood gold program so that you collect some interest on the capital while you figure things out.
What’s been lost can be regained but you have to be a bit more tactical.
Looks like you have some money draped to your forehead. Use that
Turn the screen upside down and paint it green
Did u even have any idea of what u were doing…? Did u just follow a bunch of Discord and Reddit scammers..?
money comes and goes. It will come again.
Just learn from this. Expensive lesson but at least not in debt.
And never touch options again ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
Buy shares of a good index fund.
What’s this invested in?
Maybe “try Gold”?
Just turn your screen upside down, problem solved.
Don’t gamble with money that would require coping if you lost it
Now you’re going to do it again
Don’t be stupid.
You have like 10 posts on WSB, All of them losses
I don’t think you should gamble on the stock market anymore
Wear it like a badge and convince other people not to do the dumb shit you did
Here’s an idea. Stop gambling. Take your $12k, put that shit in an ETF and keep buying ETF’s over time