So not confident about their own stock market and economy.
Huckleberry-V on
Markets more volatile than US, and you get taxed pretty hard (by both US and Korea) plus there are many restrictions that prevent you from trading online (인증서 digital id registration software that may not work outside Korea).
Fuck KRX.
grip_n_Ripper on
I assume it’s North Korea.
King-Doge-VII on
Malket onry go up! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)
blackSwanCan on
South Korea, where a few monopolies like Samsung control all market. Not a surprise!
mistaowen on
Good. Bears are terrorists and need to be treated as such. It says right in the constitution stocks only go up.
Business_Feed_9958 on
*Stocks must always go up!*
CLS4L on
But its insurances
stockpreacher on
Guess it’s a good time to short EWY.
kingOofgames on
They won’t go after any big fellas. It would probably be some random regard from somewhere like WSB who shorts 5 shares of Kia or LG because some on Twitter told him it was time.
They should also investigate all of their families income to make sure they didn’t profit from it. Suck it k bear ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
East_Ocelot_9868 on
Samsung doesn’t want the revenues to impact their stock they are in a rough position
MrFyxet99 on
Article title is misleading.Shorting shares is a viable,legal strategy.illegal short selling is something else,shares have to be available to short.
ykoreaa on
> What are you in for?
> You got life for that?
I shorted a company I knew for sure had no future.
necarpenter417 on
Are you gonna tell us what korea this is?
habu-sr71 on
S. Korea to Options traders: You can put your puts where the sun don’t shine too!
yldf on
Can’t read the article… are they just banning shorting Korean stocks, or are they banning – for Korean residents – to short stuff anywhere in the world? If it’s the former, it’s really not a big deal. The only market really worth shorting in is the US market…
fighttodie on
Who is Korea?
Error_404_403 on
No shit!!
Shoul long Korean market, if I can.
strictlyPr1mal on
PERMA BULL GANG RISE UP![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)
seattlecoffeeguy on
Sooo ONLY up then? 🚀
DoctorMario1000 on
Stonks in Korea only go up ? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)
Then-Wealth-1481 on
Ber r fuk
Then-Wealth-1481 on
This is how you solve the ber problem
TriageOrDie on
Does shorting stocks actually provide any value? I know it cns generate profit, but does it stabilise the market in some way? Interested in any existing comparisons to nations that have already banned it
nashyall on
Calls on Korean stocks!!
HateSpeechChampion on
Calls on all of Korea?
illiquid_options on
Euler007 on
They made illegal borrowing stocks to get money. Did they make borrowing money to get stocks illegal too?
No-Service-3987 on
Cool – I’m gonna short that shit.
Filomam on
That’s the type of headline that makes me ask, which korea?😂
Finally a country decided to take action against ber.
Straight to jail?
So not confident about their own stock market and economy.
Markets more volatile than US, and you get taxed pretty hard (by both US and Korea) plus there are many restrictions that prevent you from trading online (인증서 digital id registration software that may not work outside Korea).
Fuck KRX.
I assume it’s North Korea.
Malket onry go up! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)
South Korea, where a few monopolies like Samsung control all market. Not a surprise!
Good. Bears are terrorists and need to be treated as such. It says right in the constitution stocks only go up.
*Stocks must always go up!*
But its insurances
Guess it’s a good time to short EWY.
They won’t go after any big fellas. It would probably be some random regard from somewhere like WSB who shorts 5 shares of Kia or LG because some on Twitter told him it was time.
Kill the dog to scare the monkey. 🐒
Lol suckers lol ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
They should also investigate all of their families income to make sure they didn’t profit from it. Suck it k bear ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
Samsung doesn’t want the revenues to impact their stock they are in a rough position
Article title is misleading.Shorting shares is a viable,legal strategy.illegal short selling is something else,shares have to be available to short.
> What are you in for?
> You got life for that?
I shorted a company I knew for sure had no future.
Are you gonna tell us what korea this is?
S. Korea to Options traders: You can put your puts where the sun don’t shine too!
Can’t read the article… are they just banning shorting Korean stocks, or are they banning – for Korean residents – to short stuff anywhere in the world? If it’s the former, it’s really not a big deal. The only market really worth shorting in is the US market…
Who is Korea?
No shit!!
Shoul long Korean market, if I can.
PERMA BULL GANG RISE UP![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)
Sooo ONLY up then? 🚀
Stonks in Korea only go up ? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)
Ber r fuk
This is how you solve the ber problem
Does shorting stocks actually provide any value? I know it cns generate profit, but does it stabilise the market in some way? Interested in any existing comparisons to nations that have already banned it
Calls on Korean stocks!!
Calls on all of Korea?
They made illegal borrowing stocks to get money. Did they make borrowing money to get stocks illegal too?
Cool – I’m gonna short that shit.
That’s the type of headline that makes me ask, which korea?😂
Being a bear is a punishable offence