Electricity Grid | A pan-European grid for electricity with Ana Aguado Cornago | CEO, Friends of the Supergrid

    Our future energy system will increasingly rely on large-scale, remote renewable energy sources. In this video, Ana Aguado Cornago CEO of Friends of the Supergrid talks about the need for a pan-European network and problems originating from heterogeneous national regulatory frameworks and an insufficient completion of the Internal Energy Market. Ana Aguado is the CEO of ‘Friends of the Supergrid’, a group of companies promoting new policy and regulatory frameworks required to enable a European grid.

    Interviewer: Annika Zorn, Coordinator of the Florence School of Regulation, EUI

    In case you wish to follow our monthly interview series, please subscribe to our Youtube channel.
    Florence School of Regulation is a centre of research, debate and training on EU energy and climate policy at the European University Institute. www.Florence-school.eu

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