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    This is part 32 of the Blockchain tutorial.

    In this video series different topics will be explained which will help you to understand blockchain.
    It is recommended to watch each video sequentially as I may refer to certain Blockchain topics explained earlier.

    In this tutorial I will explain how the base-32 encoding works.

    Base-32 is basically a way of encoding arbitrary binary data in ASCII text.
    A base-32 encoded value only contains uppercase letters, digits and the equal sign as padding.

    Such a value (excluding padding) can be included in a URL without encoding any characters.

    Base-32 encoding schemes uses the 26 uppercase letters A–Z, and the digits 2–7.
    This encoding scheme is defined in RFC 4648, see: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648
    The 0 and 1 are skipped due to their similarity with the letters O and I.

    For example lets base-32 encode the word “Cat”.
    Cat in ASCII decimal values = [67, 97, 116]
    Cat in binary format = [01000011, 01100001, 01110100]

    Step 1: Convert an input byte stream into a group of 5 bytes.
    If there are less than 5 bytes, at the end, pad additional empty bytes.
    Group = [01000011, 01100001, 01110100, xxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxx]

    Step 2. Divide this group into 8 chunks of 5 bits.
    Chunks = [01000, 01101, 10000, 10111, 0100x, xxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxx]

    Step 3. If a chunk has both actual bits and empty bits, replace the empty bits with 0’s.
    Chunks = [01000, 01101, 10000, 10111, 01000, xxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxx]

    Step 4. Convert each 5 bits chunk to its decimal value (0-31).
    If a 5 bits chunk contains empty bits replace with character ‘=’.
    Chunks = [8, 13, 16, 23, 8, =, =, =]

    Step 5. In the base-32 symbol chart, map each decimal value to its corresponding character.
    Chunks = [I, N, Q, X, I, =, =, =]

    Step 6. The word “Cat” base-32 encoded is “INQXI===”

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