Navigate with TravelshareTravel on this Cruise Ship journey entering from the Red Sea side to the Mediterranean Sea. From Dubai to Athene Greece. Passing by the Sinai Dessert and Egypt El Qantara. A Northeastern Egyptian City on both sides of the Suez Canal, in the Egyptian governorate of Ismailia. Watch also the Mubarak Peace Bridge at 19:48 in this video. Also known as the Egyptian-Japanese Friendship Bridge, Al Salam Bridge, or Al Salam Peace Bridge. This bridge links the continents of Africa and Asia crossing the Suez Canal at El-Qantara.

    We also did travel through the Panama Canal. Visit our Canals & Passages WorldWide Playlist to see our Panama Canal Cruise Ship Voyage:

    The Suez Canal (Arabic: قناة السويس‎ qanāt as-suwēs) is an artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt, connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea through the Isthmus of Suez. It is often considered to define the border between Africa and Asia. Constructed by the Suez Canal Company between 1859 and 1869, it officially opened on 17 November 1869. The canal offers watercraft a more direct route between the North Atlantic and northern Indian oceans via the Mediterranean and Red seas, thus avoiding the South Atlantic and southern Indian oceans and reducing the journey distance from the Arabian Sea to London, for example, by approximately 8,900 kilometres (5,500 mi). It extends from the northern terminus of Port Said to the southern terminus of Port Tewfik at the city of Suez. Its length is 193.30 km (120.11 mi) including its northern and southern access-channels.

    Visit TravelshareTravel’s Canals & Passages WorldWide Playlist:
    Watch or Cruise Ship Vacations WorldWide Playlist for all our Cruise Ship Adventures:

    Cruise Ship Passage Egypt Suez Canal.
    The Suez Canal from the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea.
    Cruise Ship passage Suez Canal.
    Egyptian City El Qantara Suez Canal.
    Suez Canal Passage Egypt.
    Egypt Suez Canal Passage.
    Suez Canal Egyptian Governorate of Ismailia.
    Passing through the Egypt Suez Canal.
    Cruise Ship Suez Canal.
    Red Sea to Mediterranean Sea through Suez Canal.

    #suezcanal, #suezcanalpassage, #redseasuezcanal, #mediterraneansea #exploreroftheseas #redsea #redseapassage

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