Today’s vlog: Suez channel by sailboat. In this video we arrive at the Suez channel at port Said. We go to felix maritime office and prepare everything with them for transit. When everything is sorted we transit the first leg of the channel from port Said to Ismaelia. Next vlog will be about leg 2.

    Yess we are doing a GIVEAWAY!!
    Win a full week on board of Messenger for 2 persons. check the details in/under DailyVlog 25

    In November 2020 we arrived with our sailboat in Haifa, Israel. To save some money we stayed at the same marina for 3 months and traveld trough the country over land. Hiking, hitchhiking, by rental car and public transport. It was a great experience!!

    This journey is only a small part of our trip that started 2 years ago. We got the sailing- skills on our friends yacht ‘Shalom’ when we joined them on a trip from the Netherlands to Spain. . In Spain we decided to go with our own boat, and in no time we were the happy owners of ‘Messenger’. We left may 2018 and started vlogging from the beginning, we made 15 minute video’s of our adventures, the nature and the many special people we met. We cooperated with OM to visit their projects and film them on our way. Since 19 of March we started with a daily vlog due to the corona situation. We plan to keep doing this the coming months.

    Do you want to know the rest of the story? Click here to follow us:!

    grtz, Hermen en Marjolein

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