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    • Ever Given Suez Canal fanfiction

    People are now writing erotic fanfiction about the ship that got stuck in the Suez Canal


    • Man mailed himself from Australia to the UK

    • Confederate chair stolen and used as toilet

    • Matt Gaetz

    • Jacob Wohl documentary

    Remember ETC Show? Well, say hello to Internet Today, the newest and best channel on YouTube with all the same stuff you love and hopefully a whole lot more.


    1. Phillip was absolutely the complete opposite of PC but the term oriental isn't actually considered racist in the UK. For example, most supermarkets with a world foods aisle have a section for "oriental" foods in the world food section. I'm not sure what the actual UK east Asian population thinks about the term, but modern British media is usually pretty quick to flag these kinds of grievances to public attention and there's definitely no controversy around the term at time of writing.

    2. How do you get aroused by anthropomorphic ships and canals? Lol. Ricky, it's one thing to be amused and enjoy the story, but if you get hard from it you might want to keep it to yourself. Lol

    3. So I went on the site and found there rating filters. Out of 135 Works only 18 are rated 'Explicit'.
      Which is the only rating that lets you write about doing the dirty.

      I don't know if I should be surprised, confused, or just laugh at the all the other tags.

    4. human is constantly devolving by every word these people add to their fanfics.

      why you got to do shibby like that .. 🤣

    5. Trump getting banned from Twitter is the best thing to happen within the past year please Ricky stop tempting fate

    6. Universal background checks will not work without a complete tracking of all weapons. Which if we look to the past have been used to disarm citizens and that has never led to a less tyrannical government.. i.e. Soviet Union – 1918; Germany – 1930's; Cuba – 1959, 2nd day Castro seized power; Venezuela – 2012. All of the nations where gun registration and confiscations made for a more free and liberal societies. And if we look at Germany and Cuba, these registries existed before the tyrannical takeovers and then exploited to disarm the population.

      While Biden may have the best intentions for UBC, and we all know what the road to Hell is paved with. There will be an immense cost associated with it (See Canadian Gun Registry) and that information which one could assume would be readily available to all law enforcement, will be hacked and released on the dark web and criminals would know where to go to steal weapons that they couldn't acquire legally.

      The whole point of the 2nd Amendment was to protect the newly formed nation from falling under tyrannical rule which they just got out from under the thumb of. Universal background checks is not the right answer to keep guns out of the hands of criminals; I don't have the answer, but I know that this is not it.

    7. Burry prins phillip in his wine fueled car and set it spinning around one of the queen endorsed sextoys in front of buckingham, just place a dribbling boris j above the car. Well, maybe his mouth dwibble isnt as fine as the cars engine is build to so might explode given there only peasants are present. The car ofcourse has a failsafe for that sort

    8. The vast majority of the confederate monuments were made between 1930-1960. The Daughters of the Confederacy lost their shit over the Civil Rights movement. They're also almost solely responsible for the content of all historical textbooks in the schools down South. The organization needs to be disbanded and these people charged with crimes

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