Jul.11 — President Donald Trump opened up another front in his tussle with allies on his arrival at NATO’s annual summit, targeting Germany over its support for the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia. “It’s very sad when Germany makes a massive oil and gas deal with Russia where we’re supposed to be guarding against Russia and Germany goes out and pays billions and billions of dollars a year to Russia,” Trump said before meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.


    1. And yet even today the media are trying once again to rewrite history: "Putin didn't invade Ukraine before Biden because Trump was already doing all his work for him."

    2. Oh how prophetic, the more time goes by the more I see Trump was right on many things. In spite of him being a wind bag he was not stupid. Maybe he was a jackass, I don't know, never met the guy. But a government is there to provide security, economic strength, a moral and fair code of laws. Not coddle your personal feelings.

    3. Well, to convince someone you need rhetoric skill better than a 6 year old.

      Now everyone is talking about what he said. He was not the only one who warned Germany to not only rely on Russia. There are also german politicians and security experts who said the same. But especially this rhetoric and brute force speech (“buy it from us not from them”) pushed the german government towards nordstream 2. It is not an achievement of Trump to have said that, it is a failure to not have had arguments and rhetorics to convince Germany. Too bad, because before Trump started his parade of madness Germany was carefully listening to everything USA asked us.

    4. This was just common sense. Sadly anyone says the facts and common sense for whatever is considered as racist, anti lgbt, anti esg, hater, crazy person and stupid nowadays. world is doomed.

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