CNBC’s Leslie Picker reports on news around cryptocurrency firm Voyager.


      We all see market's DOWN=BUY? Now they create panic news so Retail/Sheeps will sell & brainless go Short = they're BUYING = FULL BELLY = VERY SOON GOOD NEWS WILL BE ALL OVER US. LOL

    2. Enterprise voyager was shot down by margin calls and fell like a rock. Underlying funds are already in fugazi, just not disclosed yet.

    3. <I undeniably treasure the update on crypto we are getting from you, for me i think predicting a trend reversal is dangerous, and I feel there is more to this market than we now see. People do not strive to grow their average when they are losing, but this can change if you have a personal trade guide and signal source like Jerry Willfort, who has made me almost 6.5 on a 2 btc trade capital over the last 10 months. Make an informed decision. Markets go through cycles that can range from a few days to several years. It's difficult to establish a bullish case for B -TC merely by looking at the charts.

    4. Crypto is dead. The scam is over. If you made money be happy cause a bunch of bros are jumping off a bridge this summer.

    5. AND another one bites the dust!!! How many now? 3 in a month? Guess people can sell their NFT's!!! The greater fool theory alive and well!

    6. And I was in PR last year at the weekly crypto event and they pumped the hell out of ether. Keep saying just buy buy buy. Even if it goes down. It was 4k then now look at it.

    7. I< first got into BTC back in 2016 and have been hodling/buying sats at different price points since. I've been through corrections before and will likely experience more over the future. Volatility is simply the price one needs to pay if they want to play. I don't have any Alts as I'm a bit of a BTC Maxi, but that said, if BTC hasn't died before, it surely won't do so now. Stick in there – yes we are all feeling the pain, but over the long run this will just be a blip. This is how I see past corrections when I felt that I got in at a high (back then I think it was less than $1000 and bouncing all over the place!). Now when I look back, all I see is regret for not having the courage in buying more at those times. But if you believe BTC has value, then by all means, buy these dips if you can afford to. For those who got in at 60 or 70K and feeling the crunch: hang in there. BTC is not a get rich quick scheme. Wait it out and you will see: you will come away stronger. I buy and just trade long term more than ever, I have made over 25` btc with 8btc in just 5weeks from day trading with Expert MARSHALL CLINTON Crypto in few weeks this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish. Technical analysis is my second language <You can reach MARSHALL on ͲeIєɠɾαm @ MARSHALLCLINTON Or What'sapp✙19144550434 Cheers thank me later

    8. The problem with crypto is the crypto community. Less than 1% understand what they are investing in. They are gambling versus investing. And there is massive complexity and leverage way beyond anyone’s comprehension. And now it’s all collapsing under the weight of the collective stupidity.

    9. wait i thought they lend out AFTER they HOLD leverages electronically, so it would be impossible to default on loans. Did these platforms lie to customers? criminal charges are coming

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