Two additional tugboats sped Sunday to Egypt’s Suez Canal to aid efforts to free a skyscraper-sized container ship wedged for days across the crucial waterway, even as major shippers increasingly divert their boats out of fear the vessel may take even longer to free.

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    1. The Egyptians are gonna lay full blame on the ship's crew. No way can they admit that there is anything wrong with, or risk to navigating the canal.

    2. Research the track this vessel made inside the Red Sea before it went in the Suez Canal something ain't right here check it out to ship drew a giant f u !

    3. Just spit balling here but what if they ran dymamite under the ground it is lodged into obviously away from the hull just enough to soften up the ground

    4. They should be a rule for containers mega ship should all the time in suez canal be tended with a tug at the stem n one at the stern while passing through the canal .

    5. Hire Pakistani ship breakers and they'll reduce that stranded monster to a smudge in the sand in twenty days. Plus, they will finally make a decent wage.

    6. You would think if it is so important to move this boat they would be unloading at the same time as they are digging underneath it.

    7. Do a story on the ports the backlogged ships were supposed to dock at. These ports run 24/7 as it is and other ships keep on coming as well.

    8. Either its a planned mistake or incompetence of the crew . Ships are passing through this canal from hundred of yrs . Its a canal not ocean where storm can move such a giant ship. If there were storm then why no other ship was effected. Other thing the crew of this ship were from india. Who are famous in scamming and always exaggerate on their abilities other than reality.

    9. Telling the world that 30MPH wind moved 220,000 tons cargo ship that is 2x size of US super carrier is lie by Japanese. Can mouse move an elephant? LOL Why is it always ships made by China and Japan always cause trouble every year. Now stopping the world trades.

    10. Should of unloaded the ship with helicopters from day 1 and pumped out the ballast tanks, whilst dredging.
      Would of had it floating by now.

    11. this is god's way of punishing europe for falsely accusing china and imposing sanction on china LOL you have no chinese goods, are you happy now?

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