StudyIQ PCS is a StudyIQ’s initiative for State PSC Preparation. We are committed to provide quality content in this section. We will provide Prelims PYQ, Mains PYQ, Daily Current Affairs, State Specific Current Affairs, Crash Course Series for PSC Prelims and Mains Examination as BPSC, UPPSC, APSC, MPPSC, MPSC, RPSC RAS, OPSC and many others.

    Please join our telegram group for pdf of lectures

    Also Watch these informative videos –
    February Current Affairs Marathon –
    January Current Affairs Marathon –

    *Daily Current Affairs* –

    *India Mapping* –

    *Geography for All State PCS Exams* –

    *1000 MCQs for Modern History* –

    *History for All State PCS Exams* –

    *Environment and Ecology MCQs* –

    *Lucent History MCQs Series* –

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