Dan Dolev, Mizuho senior analyst, joins ‘Closing Bell: Overtime’ to discuss the crypto industry as the news of CFTC suing Binance triggered the plunge in prices of digital currencies, including Bitcoin.


    1. 10 % Gains Today. * XOS Trucks… Global Leader. 2 New Press Releases and 2022 Financial Results This Week..* FFIE.. Faraday Future… Only 2 Days til start of Production Confirmed.. FF 91 Futurist SUV EVs… Ultimate Tech Luxury SUV EVs.

    2. Dump your digital now before you lose it all…..

      It was only a good idea for those who want to control everything you do and buy with money…..

      Get out now while you can…..

      We are out and we are finished warning….

      Storm is coming….

    3. Don’t think about what you were, what you’ve been through, the mistakes you’ve made. Start thinking about who you are. You are free. You are blessed. You are a masterpiece. You are favored.

    4. 👍👍👍.I've been quite unsure about investing in this current market and at the same time I feel it's the best time to get started on the market. i was at a seminar and the host spoke about making over $972,000 within 3 Months with a capital of $200,000. i need to know how to go about it.

    5. CNBC is funny, and I don't mean, haha. I just searched this guy and crypto, and every time he's on air, he's downgrading Coinbase and Crypto.
      He's basically just a Coinbase and Crypto bear.

    6. The govt is attacking crypto because its financial system is fragile and they r afraid crypto will take over the world instead of the dollar

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