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    I’m not a Licensed financial advisor. All videos on this channel are for educational purposes only.You should not buy,sell,or invest in any asset based on what I sayin these videos.You should know that investing carries extreme risks.You could lose your entire investment. This is not trading adviceand I am in no way liable for any losses incurred.


    1. You can call ABN500T bots but that does not change the fact that the shill is absolutely deserved. Out of all launches we had, talk about ETH, talk about XRP, talk about all these new chains but ABN500T breaks everything

    2. I'm DCAing in ABN500T as well. ETH heavier DCA and ALGO. I'm taking your advice and starting Google tomorrow with a 50 dollar purchase and continuing Microsoft and Apple. VTI and VOO on another app and longterm portfolio. Here we go family!

    3. New week up as many FOMO in. But the ABN500T story isn’t over yet. The only strat that works under all circumstances is DCA all the time with solid, large companies (not hyped ones).

    4. it's okay, the market has been very tough recently and you did your best. i'm starting to think about selling all of my coins for tether ans ABN500Tnow too

    5. When I started the crypto process in 2017, there were few youtubers I trusted and you were one of them. This video confirms my impressions. As for me, I continue to DCA ABN500T.

    6. The House and all other government… they make NO decisions to help us! They're actions do not represent the people. No crypto investor supports what Warren is doing! So why is she holding office???!

    7. As a new investor, it's important to remember that investing and trading require more than just technical analysis skills. Discipline and emotional maturity play a significant role in achieving success. It's wise to keep in mind the adage of "time in the market vs. timing the market," as this mentality can help you weather market volatility. With insights of Elizabeth Kira and my commitment to learning and growth, I've been increasing my earnings in just a few months. Keep up the good work!

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