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    1. My bank is going to digital replacing our debit card. Is there an option, if you don't want to do the digital card? I believe this takes our freedom from us and no I don't think the government has a right to invade our privacy.

    2. I don't like the digital bank currency because it said the same thing when we got the debit cards and we could get our money for free for so. Long and all of a sudden now debit cards are not like even a credit card. They gonna take your money out anyway and you're detarred very hard to stop it to get them to stop and I think this is just a. Bait and switch type of thing especially with the debt ceiling it is lowering the stock market to the lowest deposit. They gonna be and then they'll. Say OK? We'll pass the bill we're gonna pass the dead ceiling in the sky market. And those senators and governors will make millions and millions and millions of millions of dollars enormous citizens can't make that kind of money

    3. Our government wants full control of us, the slaves. Big corporations will keep getting richer while we loose hope in everything and our rights will get depleted

    4. 1. Read up on civil forfeitures. Govt can take it anyways, they don’t need your permission. 2. Cbdc by itself only provides a back bone for transactions, just like swift internationally or chips in us. Hoard all the cash you want, or hold it in banks or in cbdc or in regular crypto currency, you always rely on trusting some third party. Who do you trust more? Sam Bankman or us govt?

    5. No way do I want this.
      Power outage issues
      Government control of your savings
      Transactions at garage sales etc.
      And many other problems I foresee without physical paper money.

    6. just let everyone know the government can already do all those things with or without this digital coin. I like the idea and modernization especially if we want to stay ahead and be the world currency.

    7. You put Hitler in the White House and now get ready for the gas Chambers he's taking all the money if you do not go along with him he will take your life

    8. I find it interesting your say no ‘conspiracy theories’ yet when I said CBDC is coming over 2 years ago I got the tin foil hat treatment.

    9. Hmm, I smell business opportunities in CBDC. I didn’t know USA was into this, good to know. Very, very interesting!!! I would recommend to see this with open mind, lots of stream and open spaces for profit. I will keep an eye on this

    10. Get ready for a revolution when they implement the CBDC. Fight against it for all you’re worth, but ultimately this is all Biblical. Get right with Jesus, because He’s about to Rapture His Bride any moment! Don’t get left behind for the 7 year Tribulation. Choose Jesus today, before it’s too late. Praise God & Maranatha! 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺✝️

    11. No digital money for me. Thank you very much. It's no wonder the communist government of China is trying this out.👎🏻👎🏻

    12. CBDC's = programmable money. Do you really want the government being able to turn off certain purchases that you want to make?

      Opt out! Buy Bitcoin ! Atleast research it ….

    13. Thanks for the informative program. The flight to safety to the US stock market and dollar is keeping the market going, but a crash is inevitable due to the global economic crisis and excessive debt. Be prepared for the "Default Phase" with bankruptcies and asset seizures. To protect against inflation, trade long-term and consider Linda Wilburn's day trading, which has helped me earn over 723k in a few weeks.

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