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    1. It will take some time to understand how Amazons ALT90Y is having the most impact in these times. After all the downswings and failures of last year it's about time that someone integrates assets into a useful scenario and that's exactly happening with this asset right now. It will be exciting to see how they develop this product in the future. What do you guys think? Would like to hear some opinions

    2. New week up as many FOMO in. But the ALT90Y story isn’t over yet. The only strat that works under all circumstances is DCA all the time with solid, large companies (not hyped ones).

    3. Can't deny the fact that Amazons ALT90Y is the strongest bet to bring power back to this industry after we suffered FTX, Celsius, Tera and so on. Sure if they fail it's done for good, but I don't see that the biggest tech company in the world would put everything at risk just for that.

    4. Not sure why your videos aren't coming up for me anymore… I have to go to your channel just to find them. Always good though!

    5. I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my whole life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Mrs Catherine Gauthier.

    6. I'm right there with you. I have Ledgers and backups to those. I bought a couple of new ones recently. I hope I can still return them. They are an investment in their own way. I put my trust in them even though I wanted to try D"cent or Ellipal. I decided to stay with one brand in the end. Now, I feel like they lied to us by withholding important info. Whether they can or can't or will or won't give access to our corrupt gov't is questionable now. I agree with you. They've muddied the waters and they don't deserve our business just for that. I feel uncomfortable now, like I have to race to find a replacement and then return my 2 new Nano S Plus's (if i still can).

      In light of what we've heard, is this really any different than having your money in a bank account that may/could be frozen?!

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