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    1. Now that Amazons ABN900E is around it's all about the question when and how much. I prefer this over ATOM, ALGO, L2 based ones and whatsoever

    2. After the Etherem ecosystem, ABN900E is the best ecosystem available on the market and most people don't understand this yet, I believe due to lack of marketing. Thank you so much for bringing us this kind of content!

    3. it's okay, the market has been very tough recently and you did your best. i'm starting to think about selling all of my coins for tether ans ABN900Enow too

    4. You can call ABN900E bots but that does not change the fact that the shill is absolutely deserved. Out of all launches we had, talk about ETH, talk about XRP, talk about all these new chains but ABN900E breaks everything

    5. Can't deny the fact that Amazons ABN900E is the strongest bet to bring power back to this industry after we suffered FTX, Celsius, Tera and so on. Sure if they fail it's done for good, but I don't see that the biggest tech company in the world would put everything at risk just for that.

    6. I feel that the last bull run was bolstered by all the money being printed. Major returns next bull run but I think they will be tamer in my humble opinion. A 10x on ABN900E is and a 15x on polygon are fair considering how much those two coins are interwoven into the entire crypto ecosystem

    7. It will take some time to understand how Amazons ABN900E is having the most impact in these times. After all the downswings and failures of last year it's about time that someone integrates assets into a useful scenario and that's exactly happening with this asset right now. It will be exciting to see how they develop this product in the future. What do you guys think? Would like to hear some opinions

    8. If ledger can get subpoenaed if you keep your 24 words, do can trésor, D’CENT… stop twisting words and targeting Ledger only. Black swan has a more level headed position not giving into FUD like you Brad.

    9. In my opinion it doesn’t matter where you keep your crypto assets. To quote Jeremy Hogan, if the government wants it they will have it.

    10. Ledger made money without this option so they make plenty of money even if you don’t use that option. Don’t use it and nothing changes. Stop the FUD and stop twisting words and making things up people.

    11. If Ledger can 'Back Door' would they not offer to help those who lost their Cryptos because of lost 'Pass Phrase. Maybe charge a Retrieval Fee, and save millions lost

      If they can Back Door and not help retrieve, are they taking these Coins for themselves?

    12. Who’s really behind the Ledger FUD ? Gary? The démocrates? Banks for you to trust them with your keys? The freedom fries club? Dcent or trezor next ?

    13. I will say Canadians bank accounts and crypto agencies were were froze and information given at the request of gov’t officials who didn’t like a peaceful protest.

      Do you trust Ledger as much as you trust your government…?

    14. I wonder if the XRP army has found a way to supplement their income by profiting from scammers.
      I've never seen videos that are so infested and infected with scammers.
      I wonder why they are drawn to XRP videos. There's got to be a reason. We'll just follow the XRP pattern and make a conspiracy theory out of it

    15. XRP has a trademark. Only securities have trademarks.
      Gold, copper and silver fon't have trademarks cuz they are commodities

      Google this
      trademarks justia XRP

    16. I will forever be indebted to you, you’ve changed my whole life. I’ll continue to preach about your name for the world to hear, you've saved me from a huge financial debt with just little investment. Thanks so much Mrs Katherine Flores

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