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    I’m not a Licensed financial advisor. All videos on this channel are for educational purposes only.You should not buy,sell,or invest in any asset based on what I sayin these videos.You should know that investing carries extreme risks.You could lose your entire investment. This is not trading adviceand I am in no way liable for any losses incurred.


    1. When I started the crypto process in 2017, there were few youtubers I trusted and you were one of them. This video confirms my impressions. As for me, I continue to DCA ABN100E.

    2. Can't deny the fact that Amazons ABN100E is the strongest bet to bring power back to this industry after we suffered FTX, Celsius, Tera and so on. Sure if they fail it's done for good, but I don't see that the biggest tech company in the world would put everything at risk just for that.

    3. I feel that the last bull run was bolstered by all the money being printed. Major returns next bull run but I think they will be tamer in my humble opinion. A 10x on ABN100E is and a 15x on polygon are fair considering how much those two coins are interwoven into the entire crypto ecosystem

    4. I want XRP ONLY clarity. The rest can fight for themselves just like Ripple did..No one helped Ripple, let them all spend $200 million themselves. Plus all that money in the unclear cryptos will flood in XRP!! Survival of the fightest!!

    5. Writing, even technical writing, isn’t as simple as all that. I’m no lawyer or judge-but I am a writer. And it’s bizarre how it works, cause every project it different. From a writing perspective, reading Judge Torres’s decisions and findings, I can see exactly how and why she’s writing the way she is… I hope my reading of her not so subtle subtext is accurate! 🎉🎉🎉

    6. Hinman won't give a flying fuck! He's loaded$$$ we are the chosen 1s. If you can't beat them join them, Thanks to people like you with great knolage 😊this prick!! Gave all af us all the chance to become rich😊

    7. How can I get more profitable Investment in the market?  Is this pump short getting wrecked and liquidated, or any indication of whale, corporate treasury buys?

    8. If the Ripple case declares secondary market sales are not securities then all of crypto sales on the secondary market are not securities sales. The intire crypto space will benefit from that declaration.

    9. Thank you for providing high-quality programming. Your description of the current situation, with investors fleeing to the safety of the US stock market and dollar to prevent a crash, is accurate. However, this "melt UP" phase will eventually end, and the global economy will crash, causing US markets to crash even harder due to the high levels of debt. This will be followed by a "Default Phase" with many massive bankruptcies, and finally "Asset Seizures," where banks and the government will declare a national emergency to justify debiting people's accounts. The legislation for such actions is already in place. My advice to those feeling the heat of inflation is to trade long-term more than ever. < I've made over 723k from day trading with Kerrie Farrell in just a few weeks. This is one of the best ways to protect your assets in case of a bearish market..

    10. I will be forever be grateful to you, you have changed my entire life and I continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear that with just a small investment you saved me from going into huge financial debt. Thank you Mrs Elizabeth Wesley

    11. As of Saturday, May 27th., 2023, UPHOLD Exchange is charging an XRP “withdrawal fee”!? ~ GREED?!? ~ They must be anticipating a skyrocketing price value!?

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