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    I’m not a Licensed financial advisor. All videos on this channel are for educational purposes only.You should not buy,sell,or invest in any asset based on what I sayin these videos.You should know that investing carries extreme risks.You could lose your entire investment. This is not trading adviceand I am in no way liable for any losses incurred.


    1. I don't understand why people watch all these Fibonacci levels and stress themselves out with trading when they can just deposit coins in reliable projects like Wixpool!

    2. Only Wixpool offers good returns from investments in DEX platforms on reliable networks like Bitcoin. And I don't see the point of working with risky assets…

    3. I feel one Of the greatest challenges that we first timers face in the ma rket is that we end up losing all we have, making it difficult to find ourselves back to our feet. My biggest advice is to always seek the services of a professional just like I did when I ventured into it for the first time. Big thanks to Jasmine Querida. I now make huge profits by weekly through her services while still learning to stand on my own.

    4. So it takes 200 million to get a fair shake from the Government. That explains why the average citizen has to rely on the trickle from the trickle down fractional ponzi debt scheme we have now.

    5. Dein Kanal hat mein Leben wirklich verändert. Ich habe mich schon seit einiger Zeit mit Aktienkrypto beschäftigt und recherchiert und bin schließlich in der Lernkurve steckengeblieben. Jetzt kann ich sagen, dass ich mein Verständnis dieser völlig neuen Welt wirklich verbessere und dank Frau Michaela Anderson jede Woche große Gewinne erziele.❤

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